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Environmental Stewardship

With over 44,000 acres of forest and wetlands, Enid Lake is tasked with preserving and protecting its natural environment. By teaching environmental principles through outreach programs, special events, and volunteer efforts, Enid Lake's staff is helping to ensure Enid Lake's natural resources will be available for future generations to experience and enjoy.

Events Include:

Habitat Day

Habitat Day activities began in 1990 as a result of concerns about the loss of fish structures in the lake due to the process of aging and inundation.  The Corps of Engineers joined forces with a local Bass Club to begin replacing lost habitat with cedar tree shelters.  Since that time, Habitat Day has become an annual event with increased numbers of participants and shelters each year.

Habitat Day 2007 Statistics Volunteer placing trees in the lake bottom
  • 830 fish shelters placed in the lake
  • 150 volunteers



Clean Up Day

Clean-Up Day began in 2004 as a result of concerns about the amount of litter and rubbish that had accumulated on the shoreline and roadways around the lake. The Corps of Engineers partnered with citizens of local communities surrounding the lake and planned an annual event that would set aside one day committed to picking up trash and rubbish to restore and maintain the beauty of Enid Lake.


World Water Monitoring Day

World Water Monitoring Day is held every fall during the month of October. During the event, students from local schools visit Enid Lake to participate in water quality studies. Studies includes: water sampling, analyzing data, and reporting results to a national water quality data base. During the day students are educated about the value of clean water to our environment, and the importance of protecting our natural resources.


Environmental Awareness Day

Environmental Awareness Day, formally known as National Earth Day, is a globally celebrated event. It is an annual observance held to increase public awareness of environmental issues and to encourage support for clean air, clean water, and clean land. Each year the Corps of Engineers provides various stations for local school groups to visit. Rangers address issues on land use, forestry, wetland management and wildlife.

Park ranger giving an interpretive program on Environmental Awareness Day to a group of local school children






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