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Regulations and Assessments

International Animal Product Export Regulations



If you have any questions or concerns regarding these regulations for exporting animals or animal products to a foreign country, you should contact the APHIS-VS Area Office in the State from which the animals or products will be exported.

Animal Products to Canada

Bovine Livers (Inedible) Intended for Pharmaceutical Use - November 2005 (pdf 68kb)

Bovine Livers (Inedible) Intended for Use in Pet Food - November 2005 (pdf 67kb)

Bovine Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Pharmaceutical Use - November 2005 (pdf 73kb)

Bovine Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Use in Pet Food - November 2005 (pdf 73kb)

Chondroitin Sulfate for the Production of Pet Food for Export to the EU - October 2006 (pdf 18kb)

Dairy products - April 2003 (pdf 16kb)

Dairy products for further processing prior to export to the European Union - May 2004 (pdf 56kb)

Non-Ruminant Materials (Inedible) Intended for Pharmaceutical Use - November 2005 (pdf 67kb)

Non-Ruminant Materials (Inedible) Intended for Use in Pet Food - November 2005 (pdf 67kb)

Ovine and Caprine Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Pharmaceutical Use - November 2005 (pdf 53kb)

Ovine and Caprine Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Use in Pet Food - November 2005 (pdf 73kb)

Pet Food: CFIA Information on Procedures and Documentary Process for Imports of U.S. Pet Foods - October 2007 (pdf 13kb)

Pet Food: CFIA Pet Food Facility Inspection Checklist - October 2007 (pdf 22kb)

Pet Food: CFIA Questionnaire for U. S. Pet Food Facilities - August 2008 (pdf 30kb)

Pet Food: Information on Pet Food with Bovinae Ingredients - August 2008 (pdf 31kb)

Pet Food: Information on Pet Food with No Bovinae Ingredients - October 2007 (pdf 13kb)

Rendered Products: CFIA Questionnaire for US Rendering Plants - October 2007 (pdf 19kb)

Rendered Products: CFIA Requirements for Dry, Inedible Rendered Products from USA - October 2007 (pdf 34kb)

Rendered Product: Fishmeal - Information on Inedible Fishmeal Exports - October 2007 (pdf 18kb)

Rendered Procuct: Other than Fishmeal: Information on Inedible Rendered Product Exports (Except Fishmeal) - October 2007 (pdf 19kb)

Veal Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Pharmaceutical Use - November 2005 (pdf 69kb)

Veal Meat and Meat Byproducts (Inedible) Intended for Use in Pet Food - November 2005 (pdf 69kb)


Last Modified: August 18, 2008