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English as a Second Language

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) English as Second Language (ESL) curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of students whose dominant language is not English.

Eligibility :
Determining a student’s eligibility for the ESL program begins when the student registers for school. Each family completes a Home Language Questionnaire at the time of registration and re-registration. Depending on the responses, the school may request that the child be assessed for ESL. After analyzing multiple points of data, the ESL team assesses the students for possible inclusion in the ESL program.

The ESL program services both beginning English speakers and those students who can speak English but struggle with reading and writing. The student’s age and English proficiency determine what type of service the student will receive. Examples of delivery models may include but are not limited to: pull-out programs for grades K-6, scheduled ESL classes for grades 7–12, and inclusion in a regular education classroom.

Standards and Resources :
DoDEA has established standards to describe what ESL students should be able to do as a result of the ESL program. These standards focus on interpersonal communication, cognitive and academic language development, and socio-cultural knowledge.

Current ESL Standards

ESL Resources



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Last Updated: September 2, 2008
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