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Environmental Stewardship

Like private companies, state agencies, and local governments, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must follow the numerous public laws which safeguard the environment. Programs and trained personnel are in place to assure compliance with these laws. Prior to any ground disturbing activity at Lake Greeson, endangered species surveys, wetlands delineation, and cultural resources surveys are conducted. When concerns are identified, plans are modified to reduce or eliminate possible environmental impacts. For new undertakings not covered by the existing Environmental Impact Statement and Master Plan, either an Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement is prepared as appropriate.


Over the past 10 years, numerous changes have been made within the power plant to reduce environmental concerns. Environmental friendly cleaners and lubricants are being used whenever possible. Controls are in place to reduce the potential of a lubricant spill into the Little Missouri River below the dam. Finally, whenever hazardous materials must be disposed of, it is done so in accordance with all federal and state laws.

Environmental StewardshipThe public is encouraged to take an active role in environmental stewardship at the lake during each and every visit by protecting the land and water from trash, gray water, and other pollutants. Groups and individuals are welcome to volunteer in a variety of capacities to assist in the care of the many resources at the lake. An annual lake clean-up takes place each September. To reach the Volunteer Coordinators call the Lake Greeson Field Office at (870)285-2151.

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i look best in my life jacket

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