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Rain forest adventures, beaches at Fraycinet, driving in Wielangta Reserve, the prison at Port Arthur, and snow on Mt. Wellington. Whew!
Heading to Tassie's west coast for a trip through the rain forest on a 100-year-old steam train and a dip in the Indian Ocean.
Arrived in Hobart to beautiful weather. Drinks with old friends from London on Elizabeth Street Pier. Never been this far south before.
Wow. Not one single car available to rent on Tasmania. Seeking alternate plans.
Got reaquainted with driving on the left side of the road thanks to LOTS of help from an 8 year old.
Wearing Blunnies with shorts. That's cool here, right?
Bittersweet: eating my last Al Pastor burrito for three weeks, but also starting vacation in Australia.
Wow, hail stones piling up in the garden.
Heading to the Mule party for that special blend of rum, raw eggs, and sarcasm.
Just scored a very cool Wired cycling kit. There will be NO CHANCE of cars not seeing me now.
Once you start the knot, you have to get it right. Fiddling with a tie will never make it straight.
My Gmail inbox is nearly empty now, but my Google Tasks list is enormous. Have I just shifted the blame?
Reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and "Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby" at the same time. Feeling the world open up a bit.
Mixing up Manhattans for the team at Twitter.
Trying to calculate the amount of time my team has spent working around IE bugs; wondering if I could bill Microsoft for all that.
Debating Aeron vs. Eames with a bunch of design geeks.
Thanks for playing, everyone. It was HotBot - which @mikekuniavsky had a hand in designing. Go look:
Hey web old-timers: anyone recognize the background image @mikekuniavsky is using on his profile?
Cutting down a tree with my dad.
"Sometimes, just the act of writing down the problem straightens out your head as to what they really are." #zataomm


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Livia Philip Kaplan Marc Hedlund Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Eric Case Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Lori Chris Sacca Kevin Fox Matt Jones Chad Thornton tedr Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale janice fraser Erika Hall Rear Adm. Monteiro bryan mason Michael Buffington Dan Saffer lane becker Charles W
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