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great quote from Tim O'Reilly: "how many competitors have you enabled?"
first half of an offsite all day solo Grockit strategizing session was a success. a break, then back to it!
husking a coconut. good idea at the time, but now ill from smell, taste, and coating of squishy nut meat found inside
forgot how dark 6:30am can be
rolling '09 verbalizations around. zed-nine? ott-nine? oh-nine? like the penultimate most so far
the fog horns are out of control. the energy these use every 2 minutes might be better spent building a conveyor belt for the radarless
fog horns kept me awake for half the night last night, and they've already started now. cursed 19th century superstitions/laws
tomorrow will be the first day in 11 years that the two digits representing my age will be identical. my expectations are high.
@rael we use leopard's Screen (hidden in /System/Library/CoreServices) and Skype for audio/video. very snappy.
gonna buy some rain pants today. my only requirement: the "wearing" to twirling above my head time must be < 10ms. Velcro inseams?
why am I so sore? why are my hands crystalized leather? Barkeeper's Friend: Contains 6th Level Demons and Souls of Rattlesnakes
what's infused by 6th level demons and rattle snake souls? Barkeeper's Friend: The UnGodly Effective Cleansing Powder
Portland is sending its weather to SF this weekend to make room for the weather visiting from Mars. 9F for the low.
accidently sent a clever 140 character sentence using only V words to mint's balance checker. as a result, my balance remains unchanged.
an a can make or break a sentence
i'd be more amenable to hosting a virii if they paid rent
ok fine. @shortyawards @nominate @otto #humour and #spirituality
@shortyawards @otto is nominated. I have no words as to why, except that others must also nominate @otto
I start reading ghost map. cholera breaks out in Zimbabwe. considering moving on to less calamatous subject matter.
fixie freestyle videos are a hair more exciting than freestyle walking videos. a very thin, thin, hair.


Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Eric Case veen Eric Costello Ian Hay Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Amanda Rear Adm. Monteiro bryan mason Victor lane becker Aaron Huslage Dan Cederholm Cameron Marlow Cal Henderson Stikkit Geoffrey Grosenbach Meg Hourihan MJ Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Sam Felder Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Paul Hammond Sandy
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