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The Bay State or the Old Bay State is the nickname most commonly attached to Massachusetts. She is also occasionally referred to as the Old Colony State, the Puritan State, and the Baked Bean State.

State Seal
The State Seal, adopted by Governor John Hancock and the Council on December 13, 1780 and made official by the General Court on June 4, 1885. The seal is circular and bears a representation of the arms of the Commonwealth encircled with the words, "Sigillum Reipublicae Massachusettensis" (Seal of the Republic of Massachusetts). The final form of the seal was determined by a statewide contest. The arms, according to legislative enactment, consist of "a shield having a blue field or surface with an Indian thereon, dressed in a shirt and moccasins, holding in his right hand a bow, and in his left hand an arrow, point downward, all of gold; and, in the upper corner of the field, above his right arm, a silver star with five points. The crest is a wreath of blue and gold, on which in gold is a right arm, bent at the elbow, clothed and ruffled, with the hand grasping a broadsword". The shield's shape is called "Plantagenet"; the Native American model used was of the Algonquin nation; the arrow points downward to indicate that the Indian is peaceful; and the star indicates that Massachusetts was one of the original thirteen states; it was sixth. The sword illustrates the Latin motto that is written in gold on a blue ribbon around the bottom of the shield: "Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem". This is the second of two lines written about 1659 by Algernon Sydney, English soldier and politician, in the Book of Mottoes in the King's Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was adopted in 1775 by the Provincial Congress and means, "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty".

State Flag
The State Flag is white, bearing on both sides a representation of the coat of arms (except that the five-pointed star is white instead of silver). It was adopted in its final form in 1971; before that, the obverse side depicted a pine tree.

State Citizenry'
In December 18, 1990, the Legislature decided that the people of the Commonwealth would be designated as Bay Staters.

State Heroine
Deborah Samson (note: while "Sampson" is the generally used spelling, "Samson" has also been said to be correct and is the spelling used in the statute) fought in the War of Independence under the name of Robert Shurtleff (also spelled "Shurtliff" and "Shurtlieff") with courage, determination, and outstanding service, and rendered a unique contribution as a woman to American independence. Her masquerade remained undiscovered until she was wounded in battle. In later years, she travelled extensively, lecturing about her experiences, and a grateful nation gave her the first military pension ever awarded to a woman. The Governor annually issues a proclamation setting apart May 23 as an anniversary day to appropriately observe her enlistment in the Continental Army. The Legislature recognized her heroism on July 22, 1983.

State Folk Hero
Johnny Appleseed was designated the official folk hero of the Commonwealth on August 2, 1996. Appleseed was born John Chapman and lived from 1775(?)-1845. An American pioneer and hero of folklore, his planting of apple trees from New England to the Ohio River valley earned him his more popular name.

State Dog or Dog Emblem
The Boston Terrier (Canis familiaris bostenensis), first purebred dog developed in America (1869); a cross between an English bulldog and an English terrier. It was recognized by the Legislature in 1979.

State Cat or Cat Emblem
The Tabby Cat (Felis familiaris) was made the official state cat in 1988, in response to the wishes of the schoolchildren of Massachusetts.

State Horse or Horse Emblem
The Morgan Horse (Equus cabullus morganensis), descended from a little bay stallion born in West Springfield, MA, in 1789, who could outrun and outwork any horse brought against him. Named "Figure" by his owner, schoolteacher and singing master Justin Morgan, in later years he was known by his master's own name, "Justin Morgan". The gallant little horse died in Vermont in 1821 at the age of 32; the sturdy breed bearing his name was adopted as the state horse in 1970.

State Marine Mammal or Marine Mammal Emblem
The Right Whale (Eubabalena Glacialis) was so called because the flourishing whaling industry in Massachusetts found the cetacean the "right" whale to hunt, especially before 1750. Unfortunately, the large, slow-moving mammal, which is found nearer shore than many other whales, was hunted nearly to extinction and is only now rebuilding its population. The Legislature adopted the whale in March 1980.

State Bird or Bird Emblem
The Black-Capped Chickadee (Penthestes atricapillus) was adopted as the official State Bird by the Massachusetts Legislature on March 21, 1941. It is also known as the titmouse, tomtit, and the dickybird, and it is one of the most familiar of the North American birds. It is from four to five inches in size, its tail accounting for nearly half its length. The general coloring is ashy-grey, the back having a brownish tinge; the crown, nape, chin, and throat are black, and the cheeks white. It nests in a stump, tree, or fence post close to the ground, and broods twice a year. It is a cheerful bird and has a pleasing call: "Chick-adee-dee-dee".

State Game Bird or Game Bird Emblem
The Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), which was eaten at the first Thanksgiving, was designated the state game bird on December 23, 1991.

State Fish or Fish Emblem
The Cod (Gadus morrhua). A soft-finned fish, usually 10-20 lbs. General coloring is olive grey with lateral lines paler than rest of body tint. Indians and Pilgrims used them as common food and fertilizer. A sculpture of a cod hangs in the House of Representatives as a tribute to this useful aquatic creature. For over 200 years, the emblem of the cod has remained a symbol of the Commonwealth's economic beginnings, as the fishing industry provided the Puritans with food, fertilizer, and revenue for trade.

State Insect or Insect Emblem
The Ladybug; also lady beetle, ladybird, ladyfly, etc. Most common in the state is the Two-Spotted Lady Beetle (Adalia bipunctata). Its head is black with pale yellowish margins; elytra reddish, with two black spots. Idea originated in 1974 with a second-grade class in the Town of Franklin.

State Fossil or Fossil Emblem
The Dinosaur Tracks in Massachusetts, which were made over 200 million years ago. In Granby, the prints of a theropod dinosaur fifty feet in length from head to tail (the first record of a theropod of such magnitude), were found. They were made the official fossil in 1980.

State Flower or Floral Emblem
The Mayflower (Epigaea regens), also commonly known as the ground laurel or trailing arbutus, has ovate hairy leaves and fragrant, pink or white, spring-blooming flowers with five petals. It grows in woods, preferring sandy or rocky soil, under or near evergreens. It was adopted as the official flower of the Commonwealth by the General Court on May 1, 1918. Unfortunately, since 1925 it has been on the endangered list.

State Tree or Tree Emblem
The American Elm (Ulmus Americana) was adopted as the official tree March 21, 1941, to commemorate the fact that General George Washington took command of the Continental Army beneath one on Cambridge Common in 1775. It is a large tree, with gray flaky bark. When growing in the forest it often attains a height of 120 feet, but in the open it is wide-spreading and of lesser height. The leaves are oval, and dark green, turning to a clear yellow in the autumn. The American Elm, like most elms, has been severely afflicted by Elm Disease.

State Beverage
Cranberry Juice was named the beverage of the Commonwealth on May 4, 1970. This was a tribute to the great Massachusetts cranberry industry, which grows the largest crop in the world.

State Berry or Berry Emblem
A fifth-grade class on the North Shore adopted the cause of making the Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) the official berry of the state. Their two years of lobbying, petitions, and hearings were finally rewarded in July of 1994.

State Bean or Bean Emblem
Cultivated plants and the colloquial names for them change over the centuries, but in 1993 the legislature finally determined that the Navy Bean had been the original bean in the famous and venerable Boston Baked Bean recipe.

State Muffin
The schoolchildren of Massachusetts petitioned for the Corn Muffin, a staple of New England cooking, and the Legislature made it official in 1986.

State Dessert
The Boston Cream Pie, created in the 19th century, was chosen as the official state dessert on December 12, 1996. A civics class from Norton High School sponsored the bill. The pie beat out other candidates, including the toll house cookie and Indian pudding.

State Cookie
The Chocolate Chip Cookie was designated the official cookie of the Commonwealth on July 9, 1997. A third grade class from Somerset proposed the bill to honor the cookie invented in 1930 at the Toll House Restaurant in Whitman.

State Shell
The New England Neptune (Neptuna lyrata decemcostata) was made the state shell in 1987.

State Gem or Gem Emblem
Rhodonite is the most beautiful gem material found in the state. It varies in hue from a light pink to a deep rose or reddish pink and is associated with black manganese. It was adopted in 1979.

State Mineral or Mineral Emblem
The finest quality Babingtonite in America has come from this state. Although the Commonwealth is not overly blessed with mineral resources, it is one of the few locations in the world where this usually jet black material with a brilliant submetallic luster is found. The Legislature adopted it in April of 1971.

State Rock or Rock Emblem
The Roxbury Puddingstone, sometimes called Roxbury Conglomerate, became the state rock in 1983.

Massachusetts' Counties

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