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National Archives

The National Archives contain the most important documents in the United States, from the Constitution and Bill of Rights to the receipt for Alaska and President Richard Nixon's letter of resignation.

Tour Information

Be sure to check the National Archives website prior to any planned visit.

New Mexicans might want to see:

Bataan Death March Exhibit

In the dark days of World War II, Americans were forced to surrender the Philippines at Corregidor. Caught in this epic battle were New Mexicans from the 200th Coast Artillery. They valiantly sacrificed their freedom in a time when the fate of the world hung in the balance.

On display at the National Archives is a photo taken of the prisoners during their march. Also included is a letter from General Wainwright to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, informing him that he was forced to surrender the Philippines to the Japanese Empire.

Documents Concerning New Mexico

If you have some time, you can request documents related to New Mexico at the National Archives. The Archives house numerous historical documents.  As examples, see the following pages: