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Work up hideously dehydrated. Worried it was the fast. Nope, just too damn hot and dry in the apartment. Drank water and feel great.
The hunger kicked in at about two pm and has been constant ever since. The fast has now become a battle of wills between me and my belly.
Headed home. Feeling the need for a nap.
My stomach jumped when I went to the cafeteria to buy some water. No no no. No food for you, stomach. Get used to it.
It's awfully quiet at work. I think most people did not come in today.
30 hours without food. Caffeine headache gone. Feel weirdly great. Now for my morning glass of Colon Blow.
I've now gone 24 hours without food. I've never gone without eating for this long in my entire life.
I thought the headache was a side-effect of the fast, but now I recognize it. Caffeine withdrawal. Didn't consider that.
Mildly headachy and feeling a little out of it. I guess that goes with the territory.
I have now gone without food for 18 hours. This is not as hard as I was expecting. And I just jinxed myself.
My stomach is contracting from being empty. Once it realizes nothing new, except water, is going into it, it is not going to be happy.
Fell asleep. Now awake. It would ordinary be my lunchtime. Tummy rumbling.
First day of a seven day fast. Haven't started feeling hungry yet, but I will. Oh, I will.
@aliecat Yeah. Thurman Merman sort of makes me want to cry.
Here's to 2009!
So I may get a little crazy starting tomorrow.
Getting a sammich. It will be the last one for ten weeks, as I am starting my Rocknrolla diet tomorrow, beginning with a week-long fast.
Just wrote my planned projects for the new year. And now I realize that I am crazy.
Working on my end of the year blog post. I'm unexpectedly vague on what happened this past year.


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