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Really not looking forward to the whole driving in snow thing again.
Haley Bonar's version of "River" is breaking my heart into tiny pieces.
You know it's winter in Minnesota when you go outside to start the car before you've even brushed your teeth.
Fuck winter! There, I said it. Sorry for cursing.
In case you missed my Heiruspecs feature, here is even more Heiru for you: the reporter's notebook.
Listening to an old John Lennon interview. "Inside, we’re all Hitler and we’re all Christ.”
Chris from Culture Bully is now a daily contributor to our music blog, Gimme Noise. Welcome, Chris!
Ward: "Your gmail theme is so girly." Me: "Well, I am a girl." Ward: "I know, but you don't have to wallow in it!"
My bad mood was lifted by watching an otter video and looking at pictures of puppies. I am such a wimp.
Heading to the gym for the second time this week. Something weird is happening to my life. I think it's good.
"Are you sad that you got a divorce?" the Russian bank teller asked nonchalantly.
@SamKeenan Of course you can. But only if you read my story afterwards.
If you can manage to wade past the boobies and orgies on our site, you should check out my Heiruspecs cover story:
It's official. Stacy and I are bonafide hipsters. Sigh.
Dammit, I just spent all afternoon checking Facebook.
My cover story comes out tomorrow. I feel like I'm about to give birth.
Catching up with my twitters and blogs and emails and messages. Four days away from all of this ballyhoo was a much needed relief.
@AlexaJonesteen I'll get my embarrassed otter paws ready. Wow, that probably only makes sense to me.


Chuck Olsen Rex Sorgatz Aaron Sailor Martin alexisthegirl Kyle Matteson Greg Swan Todd Pitman Jennifer Whigham Barack Obama Brian Moen David Erickson Eric H Dave Loomer Barb Abney Lindsay Kimball Sara Montour Tony Thomas brian voerding M4RTY.M00SE Jason DeRusha Reveille Magazine _taylor_ Steve Engelmayer minneapoliscast acbruhaha David de Young MinneapolisMN Tom Elko Staciaann The UpTake J. Michael Ward David DeCoded Mojo Marshall jsguntzel 50Records