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What does the way you tie your scarf say about your personality? I'm suddenly paranoid I'm doing it in a weird way
See @chrisbrogan disclosure on sponsored posts at I think they're valuable when sporadic, congruent and valuable
Just watched Sideways. Took me a while to get into it, but glad I persisted.
[New blog] Matter box’s physical failings: Matter is a joint venture between the Royal Mail and ..
There wasn't any Disturbed nor Papa Roach. But aside from that, Sin City was everything I could have hoped for.
[New blog] Who I am: This blog has been anonymous since it was established. The reasons for this were ..
An exhausting week. And tonight I'm going to recreate my university days by going to Sin City, at the Electric Ballroom
Good craic at the varsity rugby match earlier. congrats to oxford!
1 after work drink -> a session. no hope in december.
[New blog] ATP - always in beta: The Nightmare Before Christmas, co-curated by Melvins and Mike Patton..
Back to the office tomorrow after a few days off. Not sure if I'll be able to hear my alarm
[New blog] Buying online advertising alongside TV: Over the last few months, I’ve vis..
Over the penines and now in Manchester. The free shuttle bus is good, though I question the demand during the day
A bit of snow and the Northern transport links are screwed! I hope I'm not stranded in Leeds
not looking forward to 7.10 train tomorrow. looking like a 5.45 start
[New blog] Live Nation’s monopoly: The advantage of having a monopoly, or near monopol..
Gomorroh - very bleak but a film worth seeing. A bit like the Italian version of the wire, albeit from one perspective
[New blog] Links - 30th November 2008: This list is both later and longer than recent posts,..
@argle - crystal clear, bereft of ambiguity


Chris Brogan russell Bobbie Johnson Robert Scoble Johnnie Moore richard huntington Mario Menti Hugh MacLeod Jeremiah Jemima Kiss Daniel Woolstencroft Kevin Rose Piers Fawkes Mark Earls Joe P. Said Christopher Johnson ResearchTalk Clay Shirky James Cherkoff Alex Hughes Steve Hewitt Kat Stevens David Cushman Sara Forrester Research Sam Winstanley Penny Dude argle shawnjooste RayPoynter mediabuyer Catherine Bray Stacey mattrhodes specialknives