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@the_ape there's a converter? Cool!
@the_ape not too long actually. It's quite spooky watching me mince about their virtual world.
@geekaren Nope. But I reposted @atebits signup link.
For Tweetie beta access: "Might need some fresh blood soon, no guarantees though" - (via @atebits)
Tweetie 1.1 - - Sneak peek of "Simple" theme. (via @atebits)
Trying the Tweetie 1.1 beta. Good stuff. Half tempted to just remove all my other Twitter apps.
Everlast was really good last night. Folsom Prison went down well. As did Black Jesus. Crowd a bunch of drunken tits though, mostly.
@greggrunberg Tweetie dude. It's awesome. @stephenfry said so.
@theiBlog Have you got love, war, and the death of whitey ford yet? That _is_ the new album! Glad you're a fan though.
Just looked up from my iPhone and support are still on. Balls. Please go away now. There's an 11pm curfew.
@MaxRenn back with House of Pain yeah. Had an excellent solo career since then though. Several great albums. In my humble opinion, natch.
Can't belive how few people are here for Everlast. Not big in the UK? Not big in Brum, that's for sure. Twitterpoll: Ever heard of Everlast?
Everlast @ Birmingham Barfly tonight. Should be good. The motorway beckons. Hopefully have time for pre gig pizza too.
@stephenfry You should try get your hands on the HTC Touch HD, has an amazing screen! (via @the_ape) +1 the screen is the best yet.
@rejects In which case, happy birthday!
@horrorfilmmag You say that like it was a bad thing! I feel a blog post coming on about this actually. Hmm...
The Google Reader revamp proves pretty isn't always better: the new one is aesthetically worse imo, but is a more sensible and coherent UI.
@horrorfilmmag Nooooo! Left 4 Dead with four people is about as close to true zombie perfection as you can get!


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