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They call her a name that they never get right, and if they don't, nobody else will.
Taking off from @Moltz, I think I'll be a "Be Glenn" coach, in which I teach you to be me, so I can take some time off. 100% commission BTW.
@johnbattelle If Big Three go under, it means relief from pensions, union contracts, etc. Sucks for workers, but would change equation.
@boingo Stephen Fry needs Boingo or sumpin'. He was writing in his latest blog entry about excessive nightly Internet costs.
@kawika I've moved personally and professionally to belt-and-suspenders backup. Mozy + Retrospect is current best option. TM problematic.
@kvanh games in a matter of days or weeks. (It's why, in fact, I can't allow myself to play most video games: too obsessive.)
@kvanh I'm sorry, fighter pilot reflexes. Not that I can fly such a plane. It's just an accident of birth. So I usually master most video
@kvanh I am going to toot my own horn. My cousin, who was involved in user interaction testing for years, said I have jet pilot relaxes.
@TheLoveShack, it's a little known place where we can get together.
@chockenberry I've been playing Franzic on the iPhone for day w/o topping 1,400. I am not sure if, given speed of play, I can improve.
Just helped friend whose 4 1/2 y.o. iMac started showing plaid, and won't boot. He's worried his backup is out of date. I think drive fine.
@agenschmitz BEWARE: AGPS article may ruin your mind FOREVER. Do not stare directly at Glenn's words. May burn.
Really like this letter to ed in New York about unconst. of Prop 8 :
That would be assisted assisted GPS
Twitter-request: Anyone know a GPS guru? I'm writing a feature on assisted GPS and need a bit of feedback to ensure accuracy.
@btanaka Tech book reviews: Yes, hard to get good reviews, esp. in one place. Might be able to combine CC licensed stuff w/new reviews.
@paulkent @jonseff I see Jon Seff will be quitting his job.
@ShawnKing People find this only through backlinks, like you; not Google friendly indexed.


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