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V smart
U here?
Just landed, flight was late, on way to Tweetup, be there in 30
Had not kissed sleeping kids goodbye for a while ouch
Leaving (man it's early, I'm tired) for airport, then Boston.
@rickburnes Alas it's four hours in Boston all at a PG event then on to NYC
@eurekadejavu I'd love to but am there one night only and it's my company holiday party maybe the next time I'm there? Dec 18 I think
@wilhelmus ah I get it. sorry I can't be there.
OK all. After tweeting I could not get email down, I did it. Clearly, Twitter is a motivational tool. It's S. Smalley's mirror.
Boston Tweetup is Weds night:
Truth #2: I love meeting new folks, learning, engaging. Boston, then NY this week.
Truth #1: I hate leaving my family for travel. HATE saying gnite to kids knowing I won't see them till Fri nite.
for the first time in a long time, I may not be able to catch up on email by the end of the night. this due to a very early flight to Boston
@Jonahstein still now?it's been up for me...
Retweeting @HelenWalters: @johnbattelle Re Dell's inspired innovation/design. See Reena Jana's great BusinessWeek story:
I've noticed a lot of the folks who are following me now are new to Twitter. That augurs well for Twitter's growth, it strikes me, welcome!
Oh and we tried the Peju 05 cab nice will lay down for a few.
Got home in time to tuck the kids into bed, just. Then Michelle did amazing things with kale, italian sausage, and polenta.


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