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Watching 'Kung Fu Panda' from Netflix and thinking this one's a buyer. It's hilarious, and does a good job of being a cross-cultural bridge.
A bunch of co-workers are addicted to's random sales. Glad I'm not. They check constantly and get upset if they miss a good item.
RE Steven Chu as Energy sec: OK, I fit the 'model minority' myth too... but I cheated in math class. And I blew off class a lot in college.
It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but I like the new WordPress 2.7 admin interface. I'm glad I use the Automatic Upgrade plugin!
Did you think all Asian Americans would automatically be Democrats?
More on Taki's custom ramen: noodles flown in from LA, and in soup is shrimp tempura, chicken tempura, edamame and Japanese eggplant.
Taki's special Ginger Chicken Ramen has a special garlic ginger yuzu (citrus) soup. Wow. Thanks, Taki-san!
Eating @ Taki's Japanese Restaurant downtown on Colfax. Taki-san's making us ramen custom, and serving us cool extras.
After work, Erin and I will be attending a reception to celebrate the birthday of Emperor Akihito of Japan, hosted by Consul General Kubo. blog: Is the green movement too white? A Sierra Club gig got me thinking. And, see Mallworthy on the mall this past summer!
Costco gas price: $1.45.9. I'm filling an empty tank for under $20. Crazy.
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
Forgot, Miami Herald's for sale! Here's a roundup of gloomy newspaper announcements from just the past week or so:
NYT borrowing against building, Tribune filing for Ch. 11, San Diego U-T for sale, Minn. Star-Trib flailing? News flu is now an epidemic.
Quit the Sierra Club gig early. Too crowded too loud, no one could hear us, and a privileged woman stopped us mid-song to tell Bush jokes.
Can the green movement in Colo. really be almost all white? Sierra Club Colo. party in Boulder: 200 or so people, two Asians and one black.
Mallworthy is playing a 'gig' - free, but a real 2-hour show for the Sierra Club's holiday bash in Boulder. We rehearsed and everything!
Obama on 'Meet the Press' announces Gen. Eric Shinseki, highest AAPI in US military, as Sec. of Vets Affairs.
Having dinner w/ Erin's folks at Pho 78, our favorite pho joint (conveniently close @ 88th & Wadsworth too!).


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