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Interesting reading. Comments solicited from the social networking haters. (Dwight Silverman column; read comments.)
@nanwill My experience too; shut down & restart Gmail gets it going again. Thought it was my system, but if others seeing same, probly not.
Not noticing it in my Twitterverse, but Gmail has been flaky for me for couple days now. Twitter Search reveals some others with issues. ???
Geez, even NPR is laying off staff. I guess entrepreneurs will have to be the ones to save news.
Jon Stewart's bit on the newspaper crisis. We can at least still laugh.
Clay Shirky on newspapers: "This change has been more like seeing oncoming glaciers ten miles off, and then deciding not to move." Bingo.
Great newspaper (digital) cliche comic.
Why I don't pay to watch Dexter season 3 even though I'd like to. (Old media thinking strikes again.)
@YannR I saw some media job-loss stats in various stories today. Google News search Tribune and you'll find plenty. Couple hundred K or so.
Brad Feld has good advice about avoiding fearmongering. Relevant to newspapers right now.
This is weird (supposed bid for Rocky Mountain News).
... So for a big failing paper, no chance to reinvent? Union contracts complicate options.
Scripps exec: Converting Rocky into online-only news operation is not an option, nor is operating the paper with a severely reduced staff.
Just another clueless magazine when it comes to digital (from my blog):
OMG! @pwelter is on Twitter! Welcome, at last, dude. :)
Here's the NYT's Tribune Co. report:
Tribune Co. has hired bankruptcy advisers (NY Times report). Hardly a surprise. Zell/Abrams approach to "reinvention" seemed bankrupt to me.
OK, newspapers. Can we end the incremental change crap and do some bold things now? Is it bad enough yet?
So now the Miami Herald is for sale? ... Still barely profitable. Must be McClatchy debt move. Wow, industry spiraling.
It's not the liberal bias, stupid! (My blog)


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