John Dickerson’s Favorites

John Gruber
gruber If you send me a "Thanks for the follow" after I start following you, as a rule of thumb I immediately unfollow you.
Sarah Wedde
munki To the guy yelling at me out the van window: what I heard was, "I've got a micropenis!". That correct?
Jesse Thorn
youngamerican In my mind, Twitter is a sort of affirmation of an important life choice I made around age 17: pick friends solely based on funniness.
delfie Oh so we have to be all cryptic and call them "magic" brownies but we can come right out and say pot pie?
hotdogsladies There were always whispers throughout the Pentagon about the exact nature of Cap'n Crunch's relationship with General Mills.
superfantastic Trying to get a cover letter written with five tabs open. What I lack in focus I make up for in OOH AN EMAIL!
LameBush Cheney keeps bumping into me in the halls. Or he'll step in front of me then suddenly stop. I think he's trying to get me to say "pardon."
Sean Hussein Hussey
seanhussey Next time we visit the inlaws, we'll drive instead of fly. I'm going to bring the biggest fucking bottle of shampoo you've ever seen.
joe schmidt
joeschmidt Pro Tip: A trip through your local zoo can be made more enjoyable if you imagine what wine would go well with each animal.
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich 13pt Verdana smells like balloons.
hotdogsladies I'd like to see more "killer tips" turn on their author.
Abby Spice
clapifyoulikeme Having joined a number of Facebook groups, I really feel that I've done my part for Darfur.
Tim Siedell
badbanana The Big 3 automakers now have to sit in an uncomfortable little office while Congress goes out and talks with the manager.
shoesonwrong Cutting my toenails to bring peace to my marriage isn't worth giving up my ability to climb trees and ward off predators.
shoesonwrong Communication in my marriage is filled with bizarre ultimatums. "If we don't have spaghetti tonight, hand to God, I will murder a clown."
hotdogsladies This flu's leaving me like a cute French girl. Which is to say, devastatingly, at her own pace, and via innumerable sleepless nights.
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich Almost everything I do is an escape from something else. Occasionally, my escape routes overlap and I end up drinking scotch in the shower.
SeoulBrother Did Coldplay survive some kind of French Bolshevik breast cancer awareness chimney sweep revolution?
Neven Mrgan
nevenmrgan I'm just going to start throwing ideas out there, ok? #1: Portable antelopes.
Rafael Torres
rafitorres To keep me in check in social settings, my wife employs a secret "stop it, fucker!" signal, which consists of her yelling "stop it, fucker!"


danah boyd Nick Douglas Erika Hall President Monteiro Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Derek Powazek Megan McCarthy Colleen Wainwright fake mat honan timoni Simon Crowley SMITH Magazine rands John Gruber Miche Doherty Tony Delgrosso Rex Sorgatz Bethany Crystal Williams Melissa Gira Grant Jeremiah Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen Aziz nostrich Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber David Brent hotdogsladies Myrna Minkoff Sarah Wedde Tim Siedell Barack Obama Brandon Butler Nu Wexler
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