Tony Stubblebine’s Favorites

Britt Selvitelle
bs Test IE6, IE7, and IE8 in one application. { And IE5 but seriously ... } Life just got easier.
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue And before I close Twitter down for the night, I still vote for them to do a Community Guidelines doc like Flickr:
Mike Keliher
mjkeliher Someone on Tech PR War Stories #52 was just brilliant: "My definition of a journalist is someone who can get fired for screwing up."
Uldis Bojars
CaptSolo more interest / mails about the Social Network Portability workshop (
Steve Miller
mlevel "Don't do drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent. Leave that to me." -Eminem, 35 today
Sarah Milstein
SarahM making coffee before you've had coffee is a motherfucker
Sarah Milstein
SarahM i've had it with the foo camp "question" designed to show off the asker's expertise, intelligence and sexiness.
i heart quotes
iheartquotes All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.
Steve Miller
mlevel "An editor should have a pimp for a brother so he has someone to look up to."-Gene Fowler, Jr., d. 9 yrs ago today
Sarah Milstein
SarahM tequilla, wine, port, scotch, cheese, bread, olives, chocolate, cigars. you do the math.
J Calacanis
PhakeCalacanis blasting my calves and thighs by carrying Netscape on my shoulders 195.8
i heart quotes
iheartquotes Where do you get virgin wool from? Ugly sheep.
i heart quotes
iheartquotes One is not superior merely because one sees the world as odious. -- Chateaubriand (1768-1848)
i heart quotes
iheartquotes "This is turning into one very sexy struggle for the human race." -Zapp Brannigan
i heart quotes
iheartquotes You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Adam Rugel Evan Williams rabble Tim Roberts rayreadyray Florian kellan sara Billy Kati Sarah Milstein Livia Steve Jenson Jay Laney Nic Werner Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Dan Arkind Jason Goldman tai Eric Case Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Coty Rosenblath Scott Beale Blake Burris freiheit
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