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@jasonmarks nice, having fun with the MS...i see.
picking up my 1 month old MacBook Pro that had a broken fan...Apple-lemon-makin-bastards!
my new mac is making the sound of an imminent eruption...
2013 trivia guess: did 'tweets to the editor' replace 'letters to the editor'? yes/no?
burned after working.
in DC. Just saw lincol, Vietnam memorials the NGA and now I'm sipping booze before some African dinner action
just watched 'broken english' - nice twist on the chick flick genre?
wake up and smell the new coffee!!!
the inevitable was inevitable after all: landslide indeed!
landslide baby
@jasonmarks we should get some freaky noodles then...did u get my message? weds. around 9?
i'm selling my white macbook 2Ghz / 2GB w/accesories $700 or best offer - - email carlos @ 4 info
@arainert the ps3 rocks bigtime. hooked it to my mac via UPNP to watch torrented BSG episodes on HD. what else can a modern nerd want?
tried out mobile me finally - it sucks: hard to setup, forces you to use all these useless iApps and fails at making it all easy to use
Deflation - it's what's in!
i'm the unibrow...
Chavez plans to launch a bolivarian rocket and satellite to space. wtf? what kind of priorities are these???
i splurged on a pre-b-day gift to self & got the new macbook pro, the 2.5 Ghz one. i must be the only one buying pricey tech these days...
a dutch musician remixed a video of mine set to his music:
india sends a rocket to the moon. china sent a man to the moon... it's like the new 60s again!


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