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i splurged on a pre-b-day gift to self & got the new macbook pro, the 2.5 Ghz one. i must be the only one buying pricey tech these days
a dutch musician remixed a video of mine set to his music:
india sends a rocket to the moon. china sent a man to the moon... it's like the new 60s again!
Hey Joe, I've heard you shot your woman down?
EXTRA!!! EXTRAA!!! Venezuela shuts down Mc Donalds' - - really!!!
best sad guy on trading floor joke of the week: - Metropoliphone is in the Webapps store!
by inserting the coin one can expect nothing in return: the machine is broken
glad the "energy rich producing state" hammering stopped! Biden was on top of it, but I worry Palin resonated with the dumber electorate
MetropoliPhone got featured in PSFK:
Instead of capping exec pay on the bailout plan, I think the feds should make execs pay more of the bailout plan from their own wages.
Bush just asked if i could give him my tax money to save the economy. Like I have an option?
looking for best practices of ".com is the core product" across industries and channels. suggestions welcome
lesson: greedy bastards don't necessarily regulate themselves
Paris bound on monday, then Krakow on tuesday. My kielbasa vacation is about to start!
researching zigbee applications for a brainstorm
got the hammock up in our new patio - life is officially sweet again after moving!
Smoking alone is odd
internet is slow today - looks hot indeed.


wubbahed om Mark Shewmaker Ian Michael Sharon Emily Chang Turi Misha Tepper Douglas Back Emre Clive Thompson Anthony whoisstan Alison Clay Wiedemann Piers Fawkes Steve Garfield cata Patrick Grizzard Lian Chang Yonatan Kelib andres jimenez Nicole Chris Ian Sohn Dean Whitney raina Clay Shirky Sleepy and Boo Forrest Kolb Jenny Holzer Jaki Levy Fura chloe gottlieb Mobile Advertising neil k