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Done with Tibetan dinner, headed back to the office to keep prepping for '09.
is off to NY for the day. Looking forward to 3.5 hours of train ride to catch up on my inbox.
Scrubs was resurrected on a new network? Sweet, can't wait. That'll be two shows on television to watch.
@venturehacks if you want best of a blog that posts too much, look into Post Rank - the new UI blows but the product idea is great
At #FF08, just listening to sport CIOs chat about their unique tech needs
Video game sales soared in October despite consumer confidence:
@pomeranian99 so happy I've gotten my kid to three without Barney or the Wiggles, Yo Gabba Gabba and The Beatles are his indulgences.
@YoavShapira drop by the office sometime and you can play.
Hey @Obama I have this iPhone app of yours, do I delete it now or will we see you actually use your vast network to govern better?
Excited as we near the next release, guys are kicking ass.
Having office envy, Viximo's offices are pretty cool. But saw some great space this morning near Harvard, so we'll see...
Hanging at Vice, elliot aranow says I must try the coffee.. And so I intend to.
At Orchard Cafe in LES talking deals with kick ass music folks. the soundtrack here sounds just like Loudcrowd.
Media - please stop only showing pictures of African Americans in reaction to Obama. I'm sure he would be offended. He ran as an American.
@missingmuse damn I was just thinking I had time to "browse" an Apple store before my first mtng, but clearly you have me figured out.
Rt: thank you GW for making this night possible. @far33d @missingmuse @wlazzaro and many other friend enjoying it here at The Good Life
Tell me about it @bijan. I could be found wandering around the Pru downtown at 8am with no shops open, surrounded by other zombie parents.
Only 15% of early voters are under 35, worst performing demographic. If you're under 35 - get your ass to a voting booth... pass it on.
the insanity that is our street on halloween is in full throttle
supposed to be at Founders Club NY, but had to push off my NY trip. ah well @andrewparker


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Chris Sacca Matt Galligan Dave McClure Raj Bala Craig Brian Del Vecchio Scott Hussein Rafer Prashant Agarwal Andrew Parker Misha Katz David Cancel hunterwalk Macworld Michael Acton Smith Wiley Wiggins Clive Thompson Joi Ito SXSW Mark Wallace shareaholic David Karp Barack Obama Mark Collier Joshua Porter susan wu Bill Tai Campbell Scott Fareed Mosavat Peter Rojas MacRumorsLive Paul Irish Zach Allia