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: Fresca != Seltzer
: Why do the doors need to close and then reopen? Why don't they just stay open?
: Forgot that it was formal Friday. What a n00b!
: Surprisingly happy about the food I got from the vegan lunch truck.
: Wow. Really scary crazy guy on the train just took his teeth out in the middle of yelling and a stranger.
: Also, bad kiwi day.
: Face hurts from spicy burrito. Dear god this is hot.
is living on a powder keg and throwing off sparks
: If you look close enough, you can't tell where my nose ends and where space begins.
: Showering without a showerhead is not really fun.
: Food trucks. You are so... full of food.
: Celebrate good Obamma come on. It's Obama-bama.
: Just got dominated in squash. Bleeding from my fingernails kind of dominated. So why do I feel good? Excercise is weird.
: Can't find my Mario Galaxy... did I loan it to you???
: 2Pac woulda loved this. :(
Things I want for christmas: unnecessary holograms
: Voting is fun!
: I seriously hate the green line. What a terrible train.


Nabeel Hyatt Gareth Fareed Mosavat Paul Irish Sammy G Eric Mill Kyle Del Bonis Daniel OBrien thegorgonsgaze Dan Ogles MrPope Aaron White missingmuse walidk Steven Moy ryans55ohh KevinHarrington Matt Langer fourtyjr vcruz oceanjasper drvdana Jesse Kurlancheek loudcrowd cdyl missingmusr aka_amyface