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Time to start on HTML/CSS again. Part of me wishes I could design all day but I know that taking a break from it makes me love it even more.
Spending the day making a Holiday website for Sunlight Foundation. I have so many ideas for styles it is going to be hard to narrow it down!
@amberminty I am there with you. There are so many people including my mother that love that program. I have tried many times but I hate it.
Walking home in high heels = bad bad decision Ouch
Darn just missed the bus. By the time the next one comes I could have walked home... Just wish I had more comfortable shoes on
Ok ok I now realize that everyone knew about this site before I did. :/
Hilarious that Benjamin Netenyahu's site is a copy of Obama's:
lots and lots of cooking... tomato soup, lasagna, beet and tomato salad and chicken curry. I love the smell in the apartment. :)
Whoa, the DC metro redesigned their website. At first glance I like some of their new features
Off to Murky Coffee with @whafro to meet some fun and interesting folks from Germany.
Glad to be almost home after a very emotionally draining week.
@d_saunders that would be my dream come true :) We can only hope
IE why do you have to be so mean to me?
@kerryrm, @whafro would be proud that you are watching the House of Commons. It is one of his favorite things every Wednesday morning. :)
Reading through a Visualizing Information for Advocacy booklet that says Info. Design isn't graphic design. I have to disagree.
Busy trying to get myself organized so I can wrap up the 2 sites on my desk at work and so I can go home to catch up on freelance work.
Back into the swing of things getting back to DC late last night. Hard getting used to the crazy crowds on the metro this morning.
Went back over the 45th parallel (half way between the N. Pole and the equator) and passed the Michigan militia in Grayling MI... Awesome
OH: the price is wrong bitch... Hilarious


Clay Johnson Jackson Wilkinson Jason Garber Jeremy Carbaugh cindy li John Gruber Justin Thorp Jonno Riekwel Dan Mall Barack Obama Samantha Todd Bayliss Doug Seth Nickerson Romain Colin Gabriela John Wonderlich Joshua Ruihley Brian Wynne Williams James Turk Andy Rankin Rob Soule stephay22 Wogglesmom Jonas Feiring sunlightnetwork Jeremy Lim Andrew MacRae Owen Shifflett corey greeneltch Emma Taylor ogtunes avelino kerryrm Scott Wells Paul Kittredge