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Let it snow, let it snow! Let the power stay on - but let it snow!
Rumors of another EA layoff - perhaps 2,000 people.
There's a crabby lady in my neighborhood who almost snarls at me when I say hi. Today, the ice melted slightly - and now I know her name.
@blozulfog Yep! The adoption is finalized. However, the govt is slow with passports. Ghana's proposed tourism slogan? "You may never leave."
@felskia I know! And people even celebrate their anniversaries by going to the show! So strange. I'm still curious why people like it.
Writing a friend stuck in Ghana. Waiting for the govt. to approve two passports so they can bring their newly-adopted kids home to Poulsbo.
Confession: I have never understood why people like A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. Maybe I need a house on the prairie
Working late with @moseydog keeping me company.
@blozulfog Adorable! Where do you shop?
@VeerUpdate Yay! Thanks for the nifty 'Very Secret Order of Creatives Understanding' notebook. Love love love it.
Up to holiday sneakiness. Again.
@Vonster Rats! Lucky for you, you ARE the FBI.
Yay for checks arriving in the mail!
@Vonster How rude! And still, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
@jxhn Even worse - to receive referrals from the destroyed site! Perhaps I can take comfort in that the structure was well designed
Can't figure out why firefox displays garbled/profanity text in input boxes and certain headings.
Responding to a potential client who was impressed by a past website. I revisited the site only to discover it's been horribly modified. Eww
@Vonster He was super creepy! Thanks to your wiki link, I realized why Marilyn Manson looked familiar on O'Reilly.
@acousticgroupie Yes! And thanks! I appreciated the holiday gift ideas.


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