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What are you doing? Read and update Twitters right on your desktop!

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Author: Google
Size: 27KB
Date: October 25, 2007

This gadget requires Google Desktop 5 or above.

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Leuke toevoeging voor google desktop, alleen is het nog wat buggy. Ik zie bijvoorbeeld geen vinkje bij "remember me" tijdens het inloggen en ik kan geen bericht posten. Het in de gaten houden van mijn contacten gaat wel goed, dat is het voornaamste.

The ability to scroll down to view earlier Tweets is a sorely needed option here. Otherwise a very nice gadget!

A good gadget, but suffers from problems when you resume your computer from suspend/hibernate. Otherwise, very nice!

Graeme B  
I cant seem to send twitters from this gadget :( Ive tried reinstalling from other locations but its been no good... it looks lovely though!  
Love this app, I will be updating twitter a lot more now. Very clean and to the point, need to be able to set refresh time. Doesn't refresh picture when forcing refresh. When the iPhone SDK is realease this is exactly what the app should look like!

Like Graeme, I've never been able to update Twitter from this gadget, which is unfortunate, because it would be a terrific gadget were it not for that.

Waz up peoplez

This widget is not finished !!! Lots and lots of bugs... why is it proposed to downloads??? On windows Vista, you can't scroll in the subject list (eg if you resize to 2 posts, you are unable to see more than 2 posts.. no scroll), if you expand the view you can see phantom windows, but the worse is that you are simply unable to send messages to you twitter, it doesn't work !!! What a shame, it was exactly what it was designed for...

R. Richard Hobbs  
this thing is WAY buggy - too bad - wouldnt sign me in - THEN ate the sign in box

Garry Conn  
Doesn't work... Installs correctly but messages do not post. If this gets corrected, let me know, I'd like to have it running.

A reply option woldnt be bad at all, also the scroll option, but overall its an exelent app, with nice and clean design. Keep the good work.

I have to agree with the others: why is this a recommended download when the posting functionality doesn't work?

Pink Nik  
this is a cool wee gadget, but wont let me update from vista, a few bugs when i use xp but definatley better.

doesn't work, at all i couldn't see my twitterbuds. why would i use this if i can't see them.

Links in twitter messages are not clickable -- they need to be! Also needs scroll functionality. There may also be a display issue when you have the gadget running on two different desktops logged into the same twitter account.

I wish it showed timestamps.

The gadget looks great and does pull tweets down, but forget about trying to twitter from it, it's so annoying. Hello Google, are you going to fix this???? Hello anyone listening???

This used to be a great gadget - whilst it still worked. Now tweets timeout when they are submitted (either from the desktop or igoogle). I'm guessing that a recent twitter update broke this gadget.... please fix it asap Google.

Doesn't work. I sign in, the green window stays blank, next to "140" above the text box is shows in red text "offline" even though I am clearly online. I type a twitter & send & it never shows up on my twitter. bummer...really wanted this.

It's 1:30 in the morning and I am pecking away on my computer!

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