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Computers > Programming
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Welcome to the GD Developer Group!


 Need help? 

          New to GD development? Check out the Getting Started guide.
          Before you ask a question, search the group using the search box at the top of the page.            

          Be sure to browse and/or search the FAQs.

          Reporting a bug? Please contribute to the Issue Tracker.


          For the latest developer news, subscribe to the GD APIs blog 


  API Gurus                                                  

          Teodor Filimon

          Lahiru Lakmal Priyadarshana 

          Benjamin Schirmer

          Yannick Stucki

          Bijoy Thangaraj

          Catalin Avram  

          Glenn Rivkees

          Rodrigo Costa



          These experienced developers watch this group, answering questions and providing valuable feedback.


          Interested in becoming an API Guru? Send an email to gd-developer AT google DOT com.

Discussions7 of 8902 messages view all »
flag ANNOUNCE: New issue tracker
By James [GD Team] - Feb 4 - 4 authors - 3 replies
flag ANNOUNCE: Google Desktop 5.8 - It's time to party!
By James [GD Team] - Sep 15 - 4 authors - 4 replies
New gadgets submitted: 2008-11-05
By Google Desktop Team - 10:00am - 1 author - 0 replies
New gadgets submitted: 2008-11-04
By Google Desktop Team - Nov 4 - 1 author - 0 replies
New gadgets submitted: 2008-11-03
By Google Desktop Team - Nov 3 - 1 author - 0 replies
How to create custom google desktop installer
By Teo [API Guru] - Nov 2 - 2 authors - 1 reply
How To Use Google Desktop SDK in Asp.Net With C# Windows Application
By Prakashbhoi - Nov 2 - 1 author - 0 replies
Pages2 of 5 pages view all »
Last updated by James [GD Team] - Jul 8 - 1 author - 1 page long
Last updated by James [GD Team] - Jul 8 - 1 author - 1 page long
Files1 of 8 files view all »
Last updated by James [GD Team] - Jul 8

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