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Created on: 06/10/07 - Email to friend - Print Page

Take control with the Arthritis Foundation's Life Improvement Series programs.

These programs are proven to reduce pain and physician visits, decrease stiffness and increase function.

Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program(SM)
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program(SM)
Arthritis Foundation Self-Help Program

Other Arthritis Foundation Exercise Programs

Tai Chi From the Arthritis Foundation

Walk With Ease

What's Right for You?

Understanding your type of arthritis will help you select the appropriate exercise and management program for you. Consult your physician to determine what type of program best fits your needs. Your local office of the Arthritis Foundation has a number of programs and services available to assist you.


The Arthritis Foundation can help employers and managed care organizations reduce costs by providing the preventative care and interventions that reduce the risk of more costly care. If you would like the an Arthritis Foundation representative to talk to your organization about physical activity and arthritis, contact your local office for more information. Ask the program director about “Physical Activity and Arthritis: You Can Do It!”

Are Our Programs Beneficial?

All of the Arthritis Foundation program evaluation studies are from formal evaluation reports, master’s theses, and published journal articles.

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