Conference Home Page

What's new

Greetings from the Director for Cataloging

Topical discussion groups

NAS study and 2 articles from the LC staff Gazette

Conference program

Speakers, commentators, and papers

Conference sponsors

Conference discussion list

Logistical information for conference participants

Conference Organizing Team

Cataloging Directorate Home Page

Library of Congress Home Page

Bicentennial Conference  on 
	Bibliographic Control for the New Millenium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked 
	Resources and the Web
sponsored by the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate

Conference Organizing Team

John D. Byrum, Jr.John D. Byrum, Jr. is chief of the Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division. He is responsible for providing leadership and management of activities to accomplish planning and preparations for as well as implementation of the Bicentennial Conference.

Ann FoxAnn Sandberg-Fox is an independent cataloging consultant and trainer, with offices located in Fairfax, VT. She has been appointed to serve as Conference Consultant and is responsible for providing expert advice regarding the content and format of the conference and for assisting the Conference Management Team on a number of fronts.

Cornelia Owens Goode Cornelia Owens Goode, Program Specialist, Regional and Cooperative Cataloging Division, is serving as Conference Administrative Coordinator. Ms. Goode is responsible for lodging accommodations, administrative and logistical support.

Bruce JohnsonBruce Chr. Johnson, Senior Library Information System's Specialist and Team Leader, Cataloger's Desktop/Classification Plus Development Team, Cataloging Distribution Service, is serving as Conference Budget and Publications Officer. He is responsible for overseeing conference expenses, initiating fundraising efforts, and handling arrangements for publication of the proceedings.

David Williamson David Williamson, Cataloging Automation Specialist in the Cataloging Directorate, provides automation planning and support for the conference. He serves as webmaster for the conference web pages, listowner for the discussion list to be used to discuss conference topics, and is coordinating the effort to cybercast speakers.

Judy Mansfield Judy Mansfield, Chief of the Arts and Sciences Cataloging Division, is responsible for the conference topical discussion groups, including announcing the groups to the Conference attendees and enrolling the attendees in the various groups in consultation with Ann Sandberg-Fox to achieve a balance of numbers and expertise.

Susan Morris Susan R. Morris, Assistant to the Director for Cataloging, coordinated note taking for the Conference plenary sessions and assisted with preparing summaries of the Topical Discussion Groups' recommendations. She is now handling post-Conference publicity.

Library of Congress
January 30, 2001
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