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November 26, 2008
November, 2008 Newsletter
With the Holidays approaching, and Thanksgiving coming up in just a few days, we begin to reflect on the year that is coming to a close. Currently it seems that many of our lives are in flux and our pocketbooks are stretched, yet we must remember that we have many blessings to count. This Thanksgiving, whether your gatherings are large or small, I hope that you will be surrounded by family and friends and that you will take that day to look upon the positives and be truly thankful.  Full Story »

November 19, 2008
Brown Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Transfer of Gitmo Detainees to Charleston
WASHINGTON- Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (SC) made the following statement today after introducing legislation that would prohibit the use of funds to transfer any of the hundreds of individuals currently held at the United States Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston, South Carolina: Full Story »

November 10, 2008
Making Veterans a Priority 365 Days a Year
WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Henry E. Brown Jr. (R-SC) made the following statement regarding America’s bravest citizens as he and the rest of the nation celebrated our Veteran’s individual sacrifices on this Veterans Day: Full Story »

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