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Office of the Inspector General
The Inspector General concept is as old as our country. It dates back in part to the Continental Army's custom of having an independent party review the readiness of combat troops. The Library of Congress Office of Inspector General (OIG) fills a similar role. As an independent advisor to the Librarian of Congress, the OIG helps ensure that the Library's business is conducted as honestly and efficiently as possible.
It is no small task. The Library employs 4,000 personnel and has an annual budget over $750 million in appropriated funds and other revenues. It has a strategic five-year plan that lays out ambitious goals and expectations for the future. To meet such expectations, it is essential that fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement within the Library be held in check.
The OIG oversees all Library of Congress programs and operations and has the independence to decide which activities to review. It conducts audits and investigations and reports semiannually to Congress, and also operates a hotline so that anyone can report suspected infractions related to Library activities.
Above all, the goal of OIG is to conduct highly credible, useful, and timely reviews that support the Library's objectives.
See how the Office of the Inspector General is organized (PDF, 35 KB).
Our Mission
To serve as an independent advisor to the Librarian of Congress in the promotion of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness by detecting and preventing fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in Library programs and operations.
To conduct accountability reviews and make recommendations that contribute substantially to the effective management of the Library of Congress and help establish it as a model agency for continuous improvement.
Learn more about inspectors general throughout the federal government.
FY '08 Audit Plan (PDF, 739 KB)
Strategic Plan (PDF, 290 KB)
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments, please call us at the following number: (202) 707-6314.
To report suspected fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement within the Library, please call or e-mail our hotline:
(202) 707-6306.
Last Updated: 08/13/2008