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Exporting DG Data to Vector Format:

The DG feature class is built with several sql expressions and is not a simple flat feature class. At the point when a classification is complete or access is needed to the data in a standard format, it is import to understand how to export the data to a format that can be shared outside of the RLCM environment. The DG features class data can only be exported for a single time period. The export process has two steps: first, select the time period for export from the Time Period drop-down menu (Figure 1, Item 5) then right-click on the DG feature class in the TOC and select Data/Export Data option. This dialog allows the option to export the DG into two different formats, either ESRI Shapefile or a Personal Geodatabase; select the option most suitable for the data requirements. If the data is exported to an ESRI Shapefile, the field names will be truncated if they exceed 10 characters in length.