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Soil Management and Carbon Sequestration PDF's
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Causarano H.J., Franzluebbers, A.J., Shaw, J.N., Reeves, D.W., Raper, R.L., and Wood, C.W. Soil Organic Carbon Fractions And Aggregation In The Southern Piedmont And Coastal Plain.

Franzluebbers, A.J., and Stuedemann, J.A. Early Response of Soil Organic Fractions to Tillage and Integrated Crop-Livestock Production. SSSAJ 72 613.

Franzluebbers, A.J., and Stuedemann, J.A. Soil physical responses to cattle grazing cover crops under conventional and no tillage in the Southern Piedmont USA. ICL - STILL 100 141.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Why Mix Cattle and Crops?

Jangid, K., Williams, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J., Sanderlin, J.S., Reeves, J.H., Jenkins, M.B., Endale, D.M., Coleman, D.C., and Whitman, W.B. Relative impacts of land-use, management intensity and fertilization upon soil microbial community structure in agricultural systems.

Raper, R.L., Arriaga, F.J., Balkcom, K.S., Shaw, J.N. Reeves, D.W., and Schwab, E.B. Conservation System And Landscape Effects On Soil Strength In A Cotton/Corn Rotation.

Truman, C., Franklin, D.H., Schomberg, H.H., and Endale, D.M. Soil and Water Conservation via Reduced Tillage in the Georgia Piedmont.

Warner, K.D. Agroecology in Action: Extending Alternative Agriculture through Social Networks. Book review by Franzluebbers, A.J.


Abrahamson, D.A., Norfleet, M.L., Causarano, H.J., Williams, J.R., Shaw, J.N., and Franzluebbers, A.J. Effectiveness Of The Soil Conditioning Index As A Carbon Management Tool In The Southeastern USA Based On Comparison With EPIC. 

Abrahamson, D.A., Norfleet, M.L., Causarano, H.J., Williams, J.R., Shaw, J.N., Reeves, D.W. and Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Simulated By EPIC In Cotton Rotations From Three Major Land Resource Areas In The Southeastern USA.

Causarano, H.J., Shaw, J.N., Franzluebbers, A.J., Reeves, D.W., Raper, R.L., Balkcom, K.S., Norfleet, M.L., and Izaurralde, R.C. Simulating Field-Scale Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Using EPIC.

Franzluebbers, A.J. and Doraiswamy, P.C. Carbon Sequestration And Land Degradation.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil Physical Aspects Of Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems.

Franzluebbers, A.J. and Brock, B.G. Surface Soil Responses To Silage Cropping Intensity On A Typic Kanhapludult In The Piedmont Of North Carolina.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems In The Southeastern USA.

Franzluebbers, A.J., and Stuedemann, J.A. Crop And Cattle Responses To Tillage Systems For Integrated Crop-Livestock Production In The Southern Piedmont, USA.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Schomberg, H.H., and Endale, D.M. Surface-Soil Responses To Paraplowing Of Long-Term No-Tillage Cropland In The Southern Piedmont USA.

Gaskin, J., Harris, G., Franzluebbers, A., and Andrae, J. Poultry Litter Application On Pastures And Hayfields.

Johnson, J.M., Franzluebbers, A.J., Weyers, S.L., Reicosky, D.C. Agricultural Opportunities To Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Motta, Antonio C.V., Reeves, D.W., Burmester, Charles, Feng, Y. Conservation Tillage, Rotations, and Cover Crop Affecting Soil Quality in the Tennessee Valley: Particulate Organic Matter, Organic Matter, and Microbial Biomass.

Russelle, M.P. and Franzluebbers, A.J. Introduction To "Symposium: Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems For Profit And Sustainability".

Russelle, M.P., Entz, M.H., and Franzluebbers, A.J. Reconsidering Crop-Livestock Systems In North America.

Stuedemann, J.A. and Franzluebbers, A.J. Cattle Performance And Production When Grazing Bermudagrass At Two Forage Mass Levels In The Southern Piedmont.


Balkcom, Kipling S., Reeves, D. Wayne, Shaw, Joey N., Burmester, Charles H. and Curtis, Larry M. Cotton Yield and Fiber Quality from Irrigated Tillage Systems in the Tennessee Valley.

Causarano, H.J., Franzluebbers, A.J., Reeves, D.W., and Shaw,  J.N. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Cotton Production Systems of the Southeastern United States: A Review.

Doraiswamy, P.C., McCarty, G.W., Hunt Jr., E.R., Yost, R.S., Doumbia, M., Franzluebbers, A.J. Modeling Soil Carbon Sequestration In Agricultural Lands Of Mali.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Follett, R.F., Johnson, J.M., Liebig, M.A., Gregorich, E.G., Parkin, T.B., Smith, J.L., Del Grosso, S.J., Jawson, M.D., Martens, D.A.

Franzluebbers, A. J. Pasture Management Strategies for Sequestering Soil Carbon.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. Pasture and cattle responses to fertilization and endophyte association in the Southern Piedmont, USA.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. Short-term responses of soil C and N fractions to tall fescue endophyte infection.

Franzluebbers, Alan J., and Stuedemann, John A. Soil Physical and Biological Responses to Cattle Grazing of Cover Crops.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. and Haney, Richard L. Flush of CO2 as a Soil Biological Quality Indicator.

Franzluebbers, Alan J., Kutilek, Miroslav and Lal, Rattan. Soil and Tillage Research: Publication History and Assessment of Progress.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. Stratification of Soil Organic Matter and Potential Impact on Water Runoff Quality.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. and Triplett Jr., Glover B. Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems To Conserve Soil and Water Resources In The Southeastern USA.

Jenkins, Michael B., Franzluebbers, Alan J. and  Humayoun, Shaheen B. Assessing short-term responses of prokaryotic communities in bulk and rhizosphere soils to tall fescue endophyte infection.

Terra, J. A., Shaw, Joey N., Reeves, D. W., Raper, R. L., van Santen, E., Schwab, E. B. and  Mask, P. L. Soil Management and Landscape Variability Affects Field-Scale Cotton Productivity.


Causarano, H.J, Franzluebberrs, A.J., Reeves, D.W., Shaw, J.N. and Norfleet, M.L. Potential for soil carbon sequestration in cotton production systems of the southeastern USA. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, LA, January 4-7, 2005. pp. 2492-2499.

Causarano, H.J., Franzluebbers A.J., Reeves D.W., Shaw J.N., Norfleet M.L. Potential for soil carbon sequestration in cotton production systems of the southeastern USA. Final Report to Cotton Incorporated, January 2005.

Causarano, Hector J., Franzluebbers, Alan J., Reeves, D. Wayne, Shaw,  J.N. , Norfleet, M.L. Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration In Cotton Production Systems.  

Derner, Justin D., Schuman, Gerald E., Jawson, Michael, Shafer, Steven R., Morgan, Jack A.,  Polley, H. Wayne, Runion, G. Brett , Prior, Stephen A., Torbert, H. Allen , Rogers, Hugo H., Bunce, James, Ziska, Lewis, White, Jeffrey W., Franzluebbers, Alan J., Reeder, Jean D., Venterea, Rodney T. and Harper, Lowry A. USDA-ARS Global Change Research on Rangelands and Pasturelands.

Follett R.F., Shafer, S.R., Jawson, M.D., Franzluebbers, A.J. Research and Implementation needs to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in the USA. Franzluebbers A.J., Stuedemann J.A. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools in response to tall fescue endophyte infection, fertilization, and cultivar. Soil Science Society of America Journal (accepted August 2004).

Franzluebbers, A. J. and Stuedemann, J. A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont USA:VII. Soil-Profile Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Hill, N.S. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and ergot alkaloids with short- and long-term exposure to endophyte-free and -infected tall fescue. Soil Science Society of America Journal (accepted August 2004).

Franzluebbers, A.J., Follett, R.F. Greenhouse gas contributions and mitigation potential in agricultural regions of North America: Introduction.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil organic carbon sequestration and agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the southeastern USA.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. and Stuedemann, John A. Soil Responses Under Integrated Crop And Livestock Production.

Jawson, M.D., Shafer, S.R., Franzluebbers, A.J., Parkin, T.B., Follet, R.F. GRACENET: Greenhouse gas reduction through agricultural carbon enhancement network.

Raper, Randy L., Schwab, E. B., Balkcom, K.S. and Reeves, D.W.  Frequency of in-row subsoiling necessary for coastal plains soils. Proc. 2005 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, LA, January 4-7, 2005. pp. 2488-2491.

Reddy, Chandra K., Nyakatawa, E. Z. and Reeves, D.W. Tillage and Poultry Litter Application Effects on Cotton Growth and Yield.

Reeves, D.W., Norfleet, M.L., Abrahamson, D.A., Schomberg, H.H., Causarano, H., and Hawkins, G.L. Conservation Tillage In Georgia: Economics and Water Resources.

Siri-Prieto, G., Reeves, D.W., Shaw, J.N., and Mitchell, C.C. World's Oldest Cotton Experiment: Relationships between Soil Chemical and Physical Properties and Apparent Electrical Conductivity.

Terra, J.A., Reeves, D.W., Shaw, J.N., and Raper, R.L. Impacts of landscape attributes on carbon sequestration during the transition from conventional to conservation management practices on a Coastal Plain field.



Arshad, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J., Azooz, R.H. Surface-soil structural properties under grass and cereal production on a Mollic Cryoboralf in Canada. Soil and Tillage Research 77:15-23.

Balkcom, K.S., D.W. Reeves, J.M. Kemble, and R.A. Dawkins. 2004. Winter annual grazing and tillage systems effects on sweet corn, p. 203-207, In D. L. Jordan and D. F. Caldwell, eds. 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture, No. TB-3321 ed. North Carolina Agric. Res. Ser., Raleigh, North Carolina.

Balkcom, K.S., Terra, J.A., Shaw, J.N., Reeves, D.W., and Raper, R.L. Soil management system and landscape position interactions on nutrient distribution in a Coastal Plain field.

Delgado, J.A., Reeves, D.W., Follett, R.F. Winter Cover Crops.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Decomposition of organic residues. p. 112-118. In: Hillel D, Rosenzweig C, Powlson D, Scow K, Singer M, Sparks D (Editors), Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Academic Press, New York.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Hill, N.S., Jenkins, M.B., Zuberer, D.A., Humayoun, S.B., Stuedemann, J.A. How does soil respond to wild-type endophyte infection? In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium / Grass Interactions,  23-26 May 2004, Fayetteville AR.


Franzluebbers, A. J., Wilkinson, S. R. and  Stuedemann, J. A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont USA:VIII. Soil pH and Nutrient Cations.


Franzluebbers, A. J., Wilkinson, S. R. and Stuedemann, J. A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont, USA: IX. Trace Elements in Soil with Broiler Litter Application.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Grose, B., Hendrix, L.L., Morse, R.D., Wilkerson, P.K., Brock, B.G. Surface soil organic pools in response to silage cropping intensity under no tillage. p. 76-84. In: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference, 8-9 June 2004, Raleigh NC.

Franzluebbers, A. J., Wilkinson, S. R. and Stuedemann, J. A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont USA: X. Coastal Productivity and Persistence in Response to Fertilization and Defoliation Regimes.

Franzluebbers, A. J., and Stuedemann, J. A. Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools in Response to Tall Fescue Endophyte Infection, Fertilization, and Cultivar.

Franzluebbers, A.J. and Stuedemann, J.A. Crop management and animal production in yearly rotations under inversion and no tillage. p. 231-238. In: Proceedings of the 26th Southern Conservation Tillage Conference, 8-9 June 2004, Raleigh NC.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Wilkinson, S.R. and Stuedemann, J.A. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. X. Coastal productivity and persistence as affected by fertilization and defoliation regimes. Agronomy Journal 96:1400-1411.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Wilkinson, S.R. and Stuedemann, J.A. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. VIII. Soil pH and nutrient cations. Agronomy Journal 96:1390-1399.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Wilkinson, S.R. and Stuedemann, J.A.  Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA: IX. Trace elements in soil with broiler litter application. Journal of Environmental Quality 33:778-784.

Franzluebbers, A.J. Tillage and residue management effects on soil organic matter. p. 227-268. In: Magdoff F, Weil RR (Editors), Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.


Haney, R.L., Franzluebbers, A.J., Porter, E.B., Hons, F.M., Zuberer, D.A. Soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization: Influence of drying temperature. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68:489-492.

Raper, R.L., Simionescu, P.A., Kornecki, T.S., Price, A.J., Reeves, D.W. Reducing Vibration While Maintaining Efficacy of Rollers to Terminate Cover Crops. 2004.

Terra, J.A. , Shaw, J.N., Reeves,  D.W., Raper, R.L., Van Santen, E. and Mask, P.L. Soil Carbon Relationships With Terrain Attributes, Electrical Conductivity, and a Soil Survey In a Coastal Plain Landscape. 

Reeves, D.W. 2004 Western States Conservation Tillage Conference Proceedings. Adopting Lessons From Brazil For Conservation Tillage In The Southeastern USA.




Feng, Y., Motta, A.C., Reeves, D.W., Burmester, C.H., van Santen, E. and Osborne, J.A. Soil Microbial communities under conventional-till and no-till continuous cotton systems.

Franzluebbers, Alan J. and Stuedemann, John A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont USA:VI. Soil-Profile Inorganic Nitrogen.

Franzluebbers, A. J. and Stuedemann, J. A. Bermudagrass Management in the Southern Piedmont USA. III. Particulate and Biologically Active Soil Carbon.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A., Endale, D.M., Franklin, D.H., Jenkins, M.B., Hill, N.S., Bouton, J.H., Kaplan, R.M., Zuberer, D.A. Production and environmental quality of tall fescue pastures: Cattle performance and production during first 18 months. In: Proceedings of the Tall Fescue Workshop, 26-28 October 2003, Wildersville TN.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Studemann, J.A. Grazing management to improve soil quality in the southeastern USA. p. 496-504. In: Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Grazing Lands. 7-10 December 2003, Nashville TN.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Wilkinson, S.R. Sod-based crop rotations in the Southern Piedmont: Summary of historical research in Watkinsville. Proceedings of the Sod-Based Cropping Systems Conference, 20-21 February 2003, Quincy FL.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Studemann, J.A. Impact of cattle and forage management on soil surface properties in the Southern Piedmont USA. Proceedings of the Sod-Based Cropping Systems Conference, 20-21 February 2003, Quincy FL.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Grose, B., Hendrix, L.L., Wilkerson, P.K. and Brock, B.G. Surface-soil properties in response to silage cropping intensity under no tillage on a Typic Kanhapludult. p. 444-451. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, 14-18 July 2003, Brisbane, Australia.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Mechanical renovation of bermudagrass for interseeding tall fescue. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, 14-18 July 2003, Brisbane, Australia.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Stuedemann, J.A. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. VI. Soil-profile inorganic N. Journal of Environmental Quality 32:1316-1322.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil biology. In: Lal R (Honorary Theme Editor), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, New York. http://www.eolss.net.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Stuedemann, J.A. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. III. Particulate and biologically active soil carbon. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67:132-138.


Motta, A.C.V., Reeves, D.W., Burmester, C.H., and Raper, R.L. Effects of Tillage systems, Rotations, and Cover Crop On Soil Strength.


Price, A.J., P.A. Simionescu, T.S. Kornecki, R.L. Raper, and D.W. Reeves. 2003. Improved roller technology for cover crop management, p. 322-325 II World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Iguassu Falls, Brazil.

Prior, Stephen A., Runion, G. Brett, Torbert, H. Allen, Rogers Hugo H. and Reeves, D. Wayne. Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Biomass Production and C Sequestration: Conventional and Conservation Cropping Systems.

Raper, R.L., D.W. Reeves, J.N. Shaw, E. van Santen, P.L. Mask, and T.E. Grift. 2003. Reducing draft requirements and maintaining crop yields with site-specific tillage, In Unknown, ed. Proc. 16th ISTRO Conf. ISTRO, Brisbane, Australia.

Reeves, D.W. A Brasilian Model For No-Tillage Cotton Production Adapted To The Southeastern USA. II World Congress On Conservation Agriculture, Iguassu Falls, Parana-Brazil, August 11-15, 2003.

Reiter, M.S., D.W. Reeves, and C.H. Burmester. 2003. Nitrogen management for conservation-tlilled cotton following a rye cover crop, p. 977-982 Proc. 16th ISTRO Conference. International Soil Tillage Research Organization, Brisbane, Australia.

Siri Prieto, G., D.W. Reeves, D. Bransby, R.L. Raper, and B.E. Gamble. 2003. Integrating livestock in cotton production in the coastal plain: influence of pasture and tillage, In Unknown, ed. Proc. Beltwide Cotton Conf. National Cotton Council, Nashville, TN.

Siri Prieto, G., D.W. Reeves, and R.L. Raper. 2003. Conservation tillage systems for cotton and peanut following winter-annual grazing Proc. 16th ISTRO Conf. ISTRO, Brisbane, Australia.

Stuedemann, J.A., Franzluebbers, A.J., Seman, D.H. and Reeves, D.W. Potential Outcomes of Integrating Cattle and Cropping Systems in Southeastern Major Land Resource Areas.


Terra, J.A., D.W. Reeves, J.N. Shaw, R.L. Raper, E. van Santen, and P.L. Mask. 2003. Soil management, terrain attributes and soil variability impacts on cotton yields, p. 1217-1222, In Unknown, ed. Proc. 16th ISTRO Conference. International Soil Tillage Research Organisation, Brisbane, Australia.


Williams, L.D., Bacon, C.W., Meredith F.I., Franzluebbers, A.J., Wyatt, R.D., Smith, M.A., Riley, R.T. Leaching and binding of fumonisins in soil microcosms. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51:685-690.


Truman, C.C., Reeves, D.W., Shaw, J.N., Motta, A.C., Burmester, C.H., Raper, R.L., and Schwab, E.B. Tillage impacts on soil property, runoff, and soil loss variations from a Rhodic Paleudult under simulated rainfall.





Feng, Y., Motta, A.C., Burmester, C.H., Reeves, D.W., van Santen, E. and Osborne, J.A. Effects Of Tillage Systems On Soil Microbial Community Structure Under A Continuous Cotton Cropping System.


Fesha, I.G., Shaw, J.N., Reeves, D.W., Wood, C.W. , Feng, Y., Norfleet, M.L. and van Santen, E.  Land Use Effects On Soil Quality Parameters For Identical Soil Taxa.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Ecology and the cycling of carbon and nitrogen. p. 374-377. In: Lal R (ed), Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Animals and ecosystem functioning. p. 68-71. In: Lal R (ed), Encyclopedia of Soil Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Endophyte grasses. p. 94-96. In: 2002 Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A. Soil C, N, and P from poultry manure on grazed and ungrazed bermudagrass in the southeastern USA. p. 001-010. Proc. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, 14-21 Aug. 2002, Bangkok, Thailand.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A. The Salem Road study: restoration of degraded land with pasture – Soil quality and carbon sequestration. p. 25-32. In: Proceedings of the 57th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference, 23-25 April 2002, Athens GA.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Grose, B., Hendrix, L.L., Wilkerson, P.K., Brock, B.G. Surface-soil properties in response to silage intensity under no-tillage management in the Piedmont of North Carolina. p. 266-272. In: van Santen E (Editor), Making Conservation Tillage Conventional: Building a Future on 25 Years of Research. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. 24-26 June 2002, Auburn AL.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Schomberg, H.H., Endale, D.M., Sharpe, R.R. and Jenkins, M.B. Impact of deep ripping of previous no-tillage cropland on surface soil properties. p. 261-265. In: van Santen E (Editor), Making Conservation Tillage Conventional: Building a Future on 25 Years of Research. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. 24-26 June 2002, Auburn AL.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Water infiltration and soil structure related to organic matter and its stratification with depth. Soil and Tillage Research 66:195-203.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil organic matter stratification ratio as an indicator of soil quality. Soil and Tillage Research 66:95-106.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Introduction. Soil and Tillage Research 66:93-94.  


Franzluebbers, K., Franzluebbers, A.J., Jawson, M.D. nvironmental controls on soil and whole-ecosystem respiration from a tallgrass prairie. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:254-262  


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A., Wilkinson, S.R. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. II. Soil phosphorus. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:291-298.

Shaw, J.N., Reeves, D.W., Truman, C.C., Mitchell, P.A. Management Effects On Clay Dispersibility Of A Rhodic Paledult In The Tennessee Valley Region, Alabama.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A. Particulate and non-particulate organic C depth distribution under pasture management in the Southern Piedmont USA. Environmental Pollution 116:S53-S62.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Steiner, J.L. Climatic influences on C storage with no tillage. p. 71‑86. In: Kimble JM, Lal R, Follett RF (Editors), Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil, Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, FL.


Parker, M.A., Nyakatawa, E.Z., Reddy, K.C. and  Reeves, D.W. Soil Carbon And Nitrogen As Influenced By Tillage And Poultry Litter In North Alabama.


Picone, L.I., Cabrera, M.L., Franzluebbers, A.J. A rapid method to estimate potentially mineralizable nitrogen in soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:1843-1847.

Truman, C.C.,  Reeves, D.W., Shaw, J.N. and Burmester, C.H. Soil Management Effects On Interril Erodibility Of Two Alabama Soils.


Reeves, D.W. and Delaney, D.P. Conservation Rotations For Cotton Production And Carbon Storage.


Schwab, E.B., Reeves, D.W., Burmester, C.H., and Raper, R.L. Conservation Tillage Systems for Cotton in the Tennessee Valley.


Shaw, J.N., Truman, C.C. and Reeves, D.W.  Mineralogy of eroded sediments derived from highly weathered Ultisols of central Alabama. 2002.


van Santen, Christina, Shaw, J.N. and Reeves, D.W. Using the CENTURY Modle To Simulate C Dynamics In An Intensively Managed Alabama Ultisol.



Arshad, M.A., Clayton, G.W., Franzluebbers, A.J., Lupwayi, N.Z. and Soon, Y.K. Impact of conservation tillage on soil quality and crop yield in the cold regions of northwestern Canada. p. 215-219. Proc. Int. Congress of Soil Conserv., Oct. 2001, Cordoba, Spain. (Proceedings) 


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A. and Wilkinson, S.R. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. I. Soil and residue carbon and sulfur. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65:834-841.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L., Honeycutt, C.W., Arshad, M.A., Schomberg, H.H. and Hons, F.M. Climatic influences on active fractions of soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33:1103-1111.

Franzluebbers, A.J. and Stuedemann, J.A. Bermudagrass management in the Southern Piedmont USA. IV. Soil-surface nitrogen pools. The Scientific World 1(S2):673-681.


Haney, R.L., Hons, F.M., Sanderson, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J. A rapid procedure for estimating nitrogen mineralization in manured soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33:100-104.


Haney, R.L., Franzluebbers, A.J., Hons, F.M., Hossner, L.R., Zuberer, D.A. Molar concentration of K2SO4 and soil pH affect estimation of extractable C with chloroform fumigationextraction. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33:1501-1507.


Motta, A.C.V., Reeves, D.W., Feng, Y., Burmester, C.H., and Raper, R.L. Management systems to improve soil quality for cotton production in a degraded silt loam soil in Alabama (USA).


Risse, M., Cabrera, M., Franzluebbers, A., Gaskin, J., Gilley, J., Killorn, R., Tollner, B. and Zhang, H. Land application of manure for beneficial reuse. p. 7.1-7.46. In: White Papers on Animal Agriculture and the Environment. National Center for Manure and Animal Waste Management (CD-ROM).


Schnabel, R.R., Franzluebbers, A.J., Stout, W.L., Sanderson, M.A. and Stuedemann, J.A. The effects of pasture management practices. p. 291-322. In: Follett RF, Kimble JM, Lal R (eds), The Potential of U.S. Grazing Lands to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.






Franzluebbers, A.J. Soil organic matter stratification as an indicator of soil quality in cropland. p. 001-010. Proc. 15th Conf. Int. Soil Tillage Res. Org., 2-7 Jul. 2000, Fort Worth, TX.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Depth distribution of soil organic matter as a tool to evaluate restoration of critical soil functions. p. 001-004. Proc. 1st Joint Congr. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. and German Soil Sci. Soc., 18-22 Sep. 2000, Osnabrueck, Germany.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Wright, S.F. and Stuedemann, J.A. Soil aggregation and glomalin under pastures in the Southern Piedmont USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:1018-1026.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L., Honeycutt, C.W., Schomberg, H.H. and Hons, F.M. Flush of carbon dioxide following rewetting of dried soil relates to active organic pools. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:613-623.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A., Schomberg, H.H. and Wilkinson, S.R. Soil organic C and N pools under long-term pasture management in the Southern Piedmont USA. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32:469-478.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Stuedemann, J.A. and Schomberg, H.H. Spatial distribution of soil carbon and nitrogen pools under grazed tall fescue. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:635-639.


Motta, A.C.V., Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Long-Term Tillage System Effects On Chemical Soil Quality Indicators In The Southeastern Coastal Plain.  


Prior, S.A., D.C. Reicosky, D.W. Reeves, G.B. Runion, and R.L. Raper. 2000. Residue and tillage effects on planting implement-induced short-term CO2 and water loss from a loamy sand soil in Alabama. Soil & Tillage Research 54:197-199.


Raper, Randy L., Reeves, D. Wayne, Schwab, Eric B. and Burmester, Charles H. Reducing Soil Compaction of Tennessee Valley Soils in Conservation Tillage Systems.


Raper, R. L.,  Reeves, D. W., Rumester, C.H., Schwab, E. B. Tillage Depth, Tillage Timing, and Cover Crop Effects on Cotton Yield, Soil Strength, and Tillage Energy Requirements.






Arshad, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J., Azooz, R.H. Components of surface soil structure under conventional and no-tillage in northwestern Canada. Soil and Tillage Research 53:41-47.


Arshad, M.A., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Gill, K.S. Improving barley yield on an acidic Boralf with crop rotation, lime, and zero tillage. Soil and Tillage Research 50:47-53.

Franzluebbers, A.J.  Introduction to symposium - Microbial biomass: Measurement and role in soil quality. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79:505-506.

Franzluebbers, A. J., Nazih, N., Stuedemann, J. A., Fuhrmann, J. J., Schomberg, H. H., Hartel, P. G.  Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools under Low- and High-Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Langdale, G.W. and Schomberg, H.H. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and aggregation in response to type and frequency of tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63:349-355.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L., Hons F.M, Zuberer. Assessing biological soil quality with chloroform fumigation-incubation: Why subtract a control? Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79:521-528.

Franzluebbers, A.J., Nazih, N., Stuedemann, J.A., Fuhrmann, J.J., Schomberg, H.H., Hartel, P.G. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools under low- and high-endophyte-infected tall fescue. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63:1687-1694.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Potential C and N mineralization and microbial biomass from intact and increasingly disturbed soils of varying texture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31:1083-1090.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L. and Hons, F.M. Relationships of chloroform fumigation-incubation to soil organic matter pools. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31:395-405.


Franzluebbers, A.J. Microbial activity in response to water-filled pore space of variably eroded Southern Piedmont soils. Applied Soil Ecology 11:91-101.


Haney, R.L., Franzluebbers, A.J. and Hons F.M., Zuberer. Soil C extracted with water or K2SO4: pH effect on determination of microbial biomass. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 79:529-533.


Motta, A.C.V., Reeves, D.W. and Edwards J.H. Tillage, Rotation, and N Source Interactions On Chemical Properties Of An Appalachian Plateau Soil.


Raper, R.L., Reeves, D.W., and Burt, E.C. Using In-Row Subsoiling to Minimize Soil Compaction Caused by Traffic.  




Franzluebbers, A.J., Nazih, N., Hartel, P.G., Schomberg, H.H. and Stuedemann, J.A. Soil microbial activity and diversity under Festuca arundinacea infected with Neotyphodium coenophialum. p. 001-007. Proc. 16th Int. Soil Sci. Congr., 20-26 Aug. 1998, Montpellier, France.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Hons, F.M. and Zuberer, D.A.  In situ and potential CO2 evolution from a fluventic Ustochrept in southcentral Texas as affected by tillage and crop management. Soil and Tillage Research 47:303-308.


Hendrix, P.F., Franzluebbers, A.J., McCracken, D.V. Management effects on C accumulation and loss in soils of the southern Appalachian Piedmont of Georgia. Soil and Tillage Research 47:245-251.


Steiner, J.L., Franzluebbers, A.J., Risse, L.M., Moore, P.A., Francis, C.A., Scheyer, J., Flora, C.B., Janke, R.R., Deutsch, W.G., Gasteyer, S., Tolk, J.A., Upshaw, W.  Investigating ecosystem dynamics at the watershed level: Executive summary of a white paper. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 53:305-306.





Franzluebbers, A.J. and Schomberg, H.H. Soil biogeochemical properties of a kaolinitic Ultisol in response to frequency and type of tillage. p. 235-238. Proc. 14th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference, 27 July-1 August 1997, Pulawy, Poland.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Arshad, M.A. Particulate organic carbon content and   potential mineralization as affected by tillage and texture. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:1382-1386.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Arshad, M.A. Soil microbial biomass and mineralizable carbon of water-stable aggregates affected by texture and tillage. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:1090-1097.


Mullins, G.L., Burmester, C.H., and Reeves, D.W. Cotton response to in-row subsoiling and potassium fertilizer placemement in Alabama.


Reeves, D.W. 1997. The role of soil organic matter in maintaining soil quality in continuous cropping systems. Soil & Tillage Research 43:131-167.




Azooz, R.H., Arshad, M.A. and Franzluebbers, A.J. Pore size distribution and hydraulic conductivity affected by tillage in northwestern Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60:1197-1201.


Busscher, W.J., Bauer, P.J., Reeves, D.W., Langdale, G.W. and Burt, E.C. Minimum Tillage Cultivation in a Hardpan Soil. 


Entry, J.A., D.W. Reeves, E. Mudd, W.J. Lee, E. Guertal, and R.L. Raper. 1996. Influence of compaction from wheel traffic and tillage on arbuscular mycorrhizae infection and nutrient uptake by Zea mays. Plant and Soil 180:139-146.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Arshad, M.A. Water-stable aggregation and organic matter in soils under conventional and zero tillage. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 76:387-393.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Arshad, M.A. Soil organic matter pools during early adoption of conservation tillage in northwestern Canada. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60:1422-1427.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Hons, F.M., Zuberer, D.A. Seasonal dynamics of active soil carbon and nitrogen pools in conventional and no tillage under intensive cropping. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 159:343-349.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L., Hons, F.M. and Zuberer, D.A. Determination of soil microbial biomass and nitrogen mineralization following rewetting of dried soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 60:1133-1139.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Arshad, M.A. Soil organic matter pools with conventional and zero tillage in a cold, semiarid climate. Soil and Tillage Research 39:1-11.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Arshad, M.A., Ripmeester, J.A. Alterations in canola residue composition during decomposition in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28:1289-1295.


Franzluebbers, A.J. and Hons, F.M. Soil-profile distribution of primary and secondary plant-available nutrients under conventional and no tillage. Soil and Tillage Research 39:229-239.


Franzluebbers, A.J., Haney, R.L., Hons, F.M., Zuberer, D.A. Active fractions of organic matter in soils with different texture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 28:1367-1372.


Wiatrak, P.J., Wright, D.L., Reeves, D.W., Pudelko, J.A. and Kidd, B. Influence of Tillage, Previous Crops and N Rates on Pearl Millet.



Entry, J.A., Reeves, D.W., Backman, C.B., and Raper, R.L., Influence of wheel traffic and tillage on microbial biomass, residue decomposition and extractable nutrients in a Coastal Plain Soil.

Raper, R.L., Way, T.R., Burt, E.C., Edwards, J.H. and Reeves, D.W.  Hindering Hardpan Reformation with Cellulose Waste.

Reeves, D. Wayne and  Mullins, Gregory L. Subsoiling and Potassium Placement Effects on Water Relations and Yield of Cotton.

Torbert, H.A. and Reeves, D.W. Traffic and residue management systems: effects on fate of fertilizer N in corn.

Torbert, H.A. and Reeves, D.W. Interactions of traffic and tillage applied to cotton on N movement below the root zone of a subsequent wheat crop.

Touchton, J.T., Reeves, D.W., and Wood, C.W. Fertilizer Management.


Mullins, Gregory L., Reeves, Donald W., Burmester, Charles H. and Bryant, Hamilton H. IN-Row Subsoiling and Potassium Placement Effects on Root Growth and Potassium Content of Cotton.

Torbert, H.A. and  Reeves, D.W.  Fertilizer Nitrogen Requirements for Cotton Production as Affected by Tillage and Traffic.




Alley, S.E., Mullins, G.L. and Reeves, D.W. Response Of Tropical Corn To Nitrogen And Starter Fertilizer In Conventional And Strip Tillage Systems.

Burmester, C.H., Patterson, M.G. and Reeves, D.W. No-Till Cotton Growth Characteristics And Yield In Alabama.

Mullins, G.L., Reeves, D.W. and Burmester, C.H.  Potassium Uptake By Cotton And Changes In Soil Chemical Properties Resulting From The Deep Placement Of Dry Fertilizer.

Reeves, D.W. and  Mullins, G.L. Subsoiling And K Placement: Effects On Cotton Water Relations.

Reeves, D.W., Mitchell, C., Mullins, G., and Touchton, J. Nutrient Management For Conservation-Tillage Cotton In The Southeast.




Mullins, G.L., Burmester, C.H. and Reeves, D.W. Cotton Response To Surface And Deep Placement Of Potassium Fertilizer.

Mullins, G.L., Reeves, D.W., Burmester, C.H. and Bryant, H.H. Effect of Subsoiling And The Deep Placement Of K On Root Growth And Soil Water Depletion By Cotton.

Raper, R.L., Reeves, D.W., Burt, E.C. Conservation Tillage And Reduced Traffic Effects On Soil Condition.

Reeves, D.W., Rogers, H.H., Droppers, J.A., Prior,  S.A. and Powell, J.B. Wheel-traffic effects on corn as influenced by tillage system.

Reeves, D.W. Nitrogen Management of Tropical Corn in a Reseeding Crimson Clover Conservation-tillage System .  



Mullins, G.L., Burmester, C.H. and  Reeves, D.W. Cotton Response To The Deep Placement Of Potassium On Alabama Soils.

Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T.  Deep Tillage Ahead Of Cover Crop Planting Reduces Soil Compaction For  Following Crop.

Torbert, H.A. and Reeves, D.W. Tillage and Traffic Effect On Cotton Yield And N Requirement.

Torbert, H.A. and Reeves, D. W. Yield Response and Nitrogen Requirement of Cotton as Affected by Tillage and Traffic.  


Reeves, D.W., Droppers, J. A. and Powell, J. B. Tillage Requirements for Corn asInfluenced by Equipment Traffic on a Compactible Coastal Plain Soil.  




Elkins, C. B.,  Reeves, D. W. and Edwards, J. H. Slit-Tillage for Plow Pan Soils.  

Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Effect Of Dicyandiamide On Growth And Nutrient Uptake Of Cotton.

Reeves, D.W., Elkins,  C.B., Rogers, H.H., Powell, J.B. and Prior, S.A. Controlled Traffic Research With A Wide Frame Spanner For Cotton Double-Cropped With Wheat.  

Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Nitrogen Uptake by Corn in a Winter Legume Conservation-Tillage System.

Touchton, J.T., Reeves, D.W. and Sharpe, R.R. Cotton Yields as Affected by Previous Crop Tillage and Subsoiling for Cotton.

Touchton, J.T., Reeves,  D.W. and Delaney, D.P. Tillage Systems for Summer Crops Following Winter Grazing.

Touchton, J.T., Sharpe, R.R., and Reeves, D.W. Tillage Systems for Double-Cropped Wheat and Soybean.



Reeves, D.W., Touchton, J.T. and Rickerl, D.H. Effect of Nitrogen Source an  Dicyandiamide on Growth and Water Relations of Cotton.



Reeves, D.W., Rickerl, D.H. and Touchton, J.T. Growth And Nutrient Uptake of Cotton as Affected By N Source and Dicyandiamide.


Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Effects of In-Row and Interrow Subsoiling and Time of Nitrogen Application On Growth, Stomatal Conductance and Yield of Strip-Tilled Corn.

Reeves, D.W., Touchton, J.T., and Burmester, C.H. Starter Fertilizer Combinations and Placement For Conventional and No-Tillage Corn.

Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Subsoiling for Nitrogen Applications to Corn Grown in a Conservation Tillage System.

Reeves, D.W., Touchton, J.T. and Burmester, C.H. Studies Show Starters Work In Conservation-Till Systems.

Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Relative Phytotoxicity of Dicyandiamide and Availability of its Nitrogen to Cotton, Corn, and Grain Sorghum.

Reeves, D.W., Rickerl, D.H., Elkins, C.B. and Touchton, J.T. No-Tillage Update Report - Alabama.

Touchton, J.T., Rickerl, D.H., Burmester, C.H. and Reeves, D.W. Starter Fertilizer Combinations and Placement for Conventional and No-tillage Cotton.



Touchton, J.T. and Reeves, D.W. Effect of Nitrification Inhibitors on Yield of Planted and Ratooned Grain Sorghum Grown with Conservation Tillage.





Reeves, D.W. and Touchton, J.T. Nitrogen Applications and Subsoiling for No-Till Corn.









Last Modified: 09/23/2008