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The Trinity River floodplain contains a diversity of wetland habitats including bottomland hardwood forested swamps, open water, and wet pastures. Upland areas outside the floodplain contain cultivated pastures, natural pine forests, and mixed-pine hardwood forests.

The proposed acquistion areas provide important breeding, winteringcypress trees at champion lake, and stopover habitat for a variety of migratory wildlife including waterfowl and numerous neotropical birds. A total of 275 species of birds occur in the bottomland forests and associated wetlands in eastern Texas. Nearly 100 species of birds are known or believed to breed there.

park ranger checking woodduck boxes

refue manager painting wood duck boxes
scenic pond on the refuge
martin house
blue bird box martin gourdes
bat house
new butterfly garden
All photos: Mike Blessington, FWS
Southwest Region 2 Site | National Wildlife Refuge System | USFWS National Site
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