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Measurement Quality

EPA Quality System The EPA Quality System requires that each EPA Office, Region, and Research and Development Laboratory or Center develop and implement supporting Quality Systems. EPA's Quality System specifications may also apply to extramural agreement holders (i.e., contractors, grantees, and other recipients of financial assistance from EPA)

Best Practices for Laboratory Quality Systems Links to references, training, examples and other on-line resources for best practices for laboratory quality systems

Good Laboratory Practice Standards (GLPs) EPA's Good Laboratory Practice Standards compliance monitoring program, through laboratory inspections and data audits, assures the quality and integrity of test data submitted to the Agency under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

US Navy Environmental Sampling and Testing Programs Exit EPA Disclaimer The CNO Environmental Data Quality Program and NAVSEA Environmental Laboratory Program provide core expertise and leadership to Navy on issues related to environmental sampling, laboratory testing, and data quality. Initiatives include the Environmental Data Quality Workgroup (EDQW), the Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force (IDQTF), and Navy Environmental Laboratory Advisory Council (ELAC)

Eurachem Exit EPA Disclaimer Eurachem is a network of organizations in Europe having the objective of establishing a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good quality practices.

American Society for Quality (ASQ) Exit EPA Disclaimer ASQ is a professional association that seeks to create better workplaces and communities worldwide by advancing learning, quality improvement, and knowledge exchange to improve business results. ASQ is a source for certifications, training, and publications.

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