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Weed and Seed Communities In Connecticut



Bridgeport Streets

   Bridgeport Weed and Seed is dedicated to working with the community to address crime and quality of life issues.  The police department has determined drug trafficking and its associated problems to be the focus of their program’s efforts.  In addition to targeting the dealers, Community Police Officers will provide home security analysis and target hardening security upgrades to make residents safer in their homes and communities.  The Weed and Seed effort seeks to expand services to residents in need and to expand mentoring initiatives to target area youth.  This effort includes expansion of the services offered by National Organizations, such as the Boys and Girls Club, participation in the DEFY (Drug Education For Youth) program and involving the police in community trainings and meetings.  The Bridgeport Weed and Seed has been recognized nationally for their efforts and their ability to utilize the Grant Money in a responsible and effective manner.



New Haven Weed and Seed Homepage

  New Haven Streets                          

  The New Haven Weed and Seed site in the Hill North and South Neighborhoods is the second site in the city of New Haven.  New Haven is a leader is Community Policing and incorporates that mindset into all of their policing work and initiatives.  The department has focused on increasing the quality of life in the community for the residents, by targeting recidivism, gun and drug crime and motor vehicle thefts in the neighborhood.  The goal is to provide a safer place for people to live, work and play.  This strategy has already had an impact on the residents as they feel safer to stay out later or walk through the community without fear.  The police are determined to work with the citizens to identify current, relevant issues and address them at all levels, from underage drinking to illegal dumping.  The community meetings provide a forum for residents to directly address the officers that work within their community.  The Weed and Seed effort in partnership with the police department, local agencies and faith based groups is focused on expanding mentoring initiatives and learning opportunities to the children of this neighborhood.  Tutoring, computer learning classes, literacy classes and DEFY are just a few of the many ways that the community has pulled together to help itself and its children.




Hartford Weed and Seed Homepage

Hartford Streets   

 The Hartford Weed and Seed program in the Upper Albany / Clay Arsenal neighborhood is the progression of a long history of Weed and Seed in the City of Hartford.  Many community groups have pulled together to create a strategy that will benefit the residents of the neighborhood as well as that of the entire city.  The site has increased its law enforcement efforts by partnering with various federal agencies.  This allows the police department to focus its resources and target the violent crime that erodes at the community.  It also increases that likelihood of successful prosecution and removing problem individuals for extended periods of time.  The police have increased their participation in community events and are working with the community by providing a conduit with which residents can provide their input and alert police to problems that are unique to their neighborhood.  A block watch program is being developed to give the residents a sense of control and to aid the protection of their community, training for this will be provided by police officers and with the help of Weed and Seed.  Residents and merchants have a vested interest in the community and through their help and input the Steering committee is focused on maintaining a clean and safe neighborhood.  This will increase the security, the appeal, attract business and residents who want to live, work and exist in a safe and attractive location.  All members of the steering committee recognize the value of developing the youth of their city.  Mentoring programs will be expanded and development of Safe havens for youth to study and play has become a priority to ensure that every effort is made to protect our youth.


Willimantic Weed and Seed Homepage

Willimantic Streets  


Willimantic Weed and Seed has focused on the issues that affect how a community looks and feels.  Blighted properties, absentee landlords, lack of owner occupied housing all directly impact the health of their community.  By targeting rundown properties and helping tenants and landlords fix properties, they have helped to create a shared interest in the appearance and wellbeing of their community.  This creates a safer neighborhood for residents to exist in.  The Steering committee has pulled together all aspects of the community to develop a strategy to target crime by expanding Law Enforcement partnerships, soliciting resident input and focusing their efforts at crime hotspots.  The committee has also expanded services to those that need; rehabilitation, job training, or income tax assistance.  The VITA (Voluntary Income Tax Assistance) program has helped to bring more than a million dollars back to the residents of Willimantic.  The city also goes to great lengths to provide for their children.  A youth center services a large number of area youths with swimming, basketball, homework assistance and a boxing program that has sent several youth to a national championship.  The efforts in Willimantic are responsible for bringing in vast resources to the community and city, both from private donors, business and federal and state grants.




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