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FHWA Oregon Division
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The Oregon Division is one of the 52 operating Federal-aid Division Offices of the Federal Highway Administration and is located in Salem, Oregon. The Division is responsible for administrating the Federal-aid highway program to help maintain the integrity and safety of Oregon's roads and bridges. The Oregon Division has component units in Administration, Bridge, Civil Rights, Environment, Finance, Local Programs, Operations, Planning, Research, and Right-of-Way. The staff has technical expertise and other resources, which provide oversight and coordination of the Federal-aid program in Oregon. We are results oriented and guided by an agency Strategic Plan and our Oregon Division Strategic Implementation Plan.

Title 23 of the United States Code governs the Federal-aid Highway Program. Oregon receives approximately $400 million per year in Federal-aid program funds. These are made up of grants apportioned to the states by legislative formulas, and other grants which are allocated to the states either at the discretion of the FHWA or by direct Congressional earmarking. The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is the primary recipient of all Federal-aid highway funds in Oregon. A limited amount is passed through the ODOT to local agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), universities, or other organizations throughout the State. Federal-aid funds are available for a variety of purposes including highway design and construction, planning, research, transit capital projects, and various other studies.

Oregon has approximately 66,000 miles of public roads, of which 18,000 miles are part of the National Highway System. Only Federal-aid highways are eligible for certain categories and activities of Federal-aid highway funds with eligibility criteria determined by statutes and regulations. Oregon also has over 6,500 bridges that are eligible for certain Federal-aid funds.

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