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Analysis Reports
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  Carrier Reports       restricted area - locked  FMCSA Protected Reports  (A&I User Login Required)
Carrier Operations HTML PDF Word Excel PPT Text
Graphic Carrier Operational Classifications and Fleet Sizes
As of March 4, 2002
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Graphic This table summarizes the nation's total number of Active Carriers according to the twelve Operational Classifications and twenty-six Fleet Size Categories based on the MCMIS Census data.
Intrastate Reports
restricted area - locked Graphic Intrastate Motor Carrier Safety Assessment System: Feasibility and Recommended Approach
June 2002
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restricted area - locked Graphic Monthly SafeStat Analysis Report for Intrastate Non-Hazmat Carriers --- --- --- --- --- ---
New Entrant Studies
Graphic Background to New Entrant Safety Fitness Assurance Process
March 2000
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Graphic This report presents the results of background research leading to the development of a New Entrant Safety Fitness Assurance Process, a prequalification and monitoring program for motor carriers entering interstate service.
Graphic Analysis of New Entrant Motor Carrier Safety Performance and Compliance Using SafeStat
March 2000
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Graphic The Analysis of New Entrant Motor Carrier Safety Performance and Compliance using SafeStat report, March 2000, documents the findings of a special study undertaken to update, confirm and expand upon previous studies on the comparative (to experienced carriers) safety performance and compliance of large commercial motor vehicle operators newly entering into U.S. interstate operations.
Graphic Roadside Inspection Selection System (ISS)-D
March 2007
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Graphic The Inspection Selection System is an algorithm and software program used by safety inspectors at the roadside to help identify which vehicles and drivers to inspect based on prior carrier safety history. The ISS has been in use nationwide since 1995, and has demonstrated to be very effective in identifying drivers and vehicles of carriers that are most likely to be place out-of-service for safety problems. The ISS inspection value and information can be accessed by roadside inspectors either through the ISS software, or through the web application, Query Central.
Graphic Motor Carrier Safety Status (SafeStat) Measurement System
Methodology Document version 8.6, January 2004
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Graphic The SafeStat design document that describes the details of the methodology used to quantify and monitor the safety status of motor carriers.
Graphic SafeStat Effectiveness Study Update
March 2004
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Graphic The Effectiveness Study was conducted to measure SafeStat's effectiveness in identifying high risk carriers while providing an objective basis to formulate and test improvements to future versions of SafeStat. This paper updates the prior paper that was published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) in November 1998.

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