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Arts Tasks in This Report

Grade 12
Visual Arts Responding and Creating Task

Exercise One From the Interior Space Task

Students are asked to look first at the work by Jacob Lawrence. To get students looking closely at the work, they are asked to describe what leaps to their attention first--what they think the artist wants them to notice. Students are asked to draw arrows to features of the work to point out what they observe.

This exercise demonstrates an important principle in developing assessments, especially for subjects that may not be a regular part of school curricula: start the task with easier exercises that increase student comfort and that are accessible to students with a range of arts backgrounds, or none at all.

Interior Space Task

View painting 1.

Take out the postcard of painting number 1 from the envelope, a glue stick, and a black pen from your packet. Paste the postcard in the space below. Look closely at the painting. What features do you think the artist, Jacob Lawrence, wants you to notice in this work?

Use your black pen to draw arrows from the margin to at least three features you think the artist wants you to notice. Label the features you identify with specific, thoughtful descriptions as shown in the example below.

Layout of Lawrence Artwork Question

Scoring Guide

4 - EXTENSIVE The student provides a specific, thoughtful, and accurate commentary on each of the features identified. For each feature, the student either explains why the feature is noticeable, or what the feature might mean in the artwork. [Sample Response]

3 - ESSENTIAL The student provides a specific, thoughtful, and accurate commentary on at least one of the features identified. As a rule, responses at this level will show less grasp than level 4 responses of what makes features noticeable or what they might mean. [Sample Response]

2- PARTIAL The student provides bare bones descriptions of one or more features. [Sample Response]

1 - UNACCEPTABLE The student labels a feature or features, but description of features is irrelevant or missing.

NOTE: Students may note features such as the toolbox under the chair in the foreground, the eagle in the window, or technical features, such as the exaggerated perspective in the room, and the absence of blending of color to express volume.

NEXT: Exercise Two From the Interior Space Task

Last updated 7 March 2003 (HM)
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