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Mercury-Containing Light Bulb (Lamp) Regulatory Framework

Bulb picture

What Is Universal Waste?

Regulatory History

Regulatory History

February 11, 1993
EPA proposed the Universal Waste Rule. In the Universal Waste proposal, EPA did not propose to include spent fluorescent lamps because further investigation was necessary. However, EPA requested comment on several questions related to fluorescent lamps (58 FR 8110).

July 6, 1999
Final Rule
Hazardous waste lamps (e.g., fluorescent lamps) were added as a new category of federal universal waste. (64 FR 36466).

For more idetailed information pertaining to regulations, please view EPA's Universal Waste Web site.


Universal Waste Rule at 40 CFR Part 273 - Streamlined collection requirements for certain wastes, including certain kinds of batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment and mercury-containing lamps.

Subtitle C Hazardous Waste Regulations at 40 CFR Part 262 - Hazardous waste generator requirements.


To help regions, states, and the regulated community understand and implement federal regulations, EPA provides regulatory guidance in the form of official policy statements and clarification memorandums. The RCRA Online database is a compilation of these documents and enables users to locate guidance covering a wide range of RCRA issues and topics. View RCRA Online documents related to mercury-containing lamps below:

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

RCRA training modules also provide an overview of a specific regulatory topic. These modules are useful resources for people wishing to gain a general understanding of RCRA, but they are not comprehensive sources of regulatory information. Download the
RCRA Training Module: Introduction to Universal Waste (PDF). (14 pp, 63K)

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