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China Local time: 06:43 AM

Chinese Standards

Contact information

Mark A. Lewis
Commercial Officer - Standards
US Embassy Beijing
Beijing Kerry Center, 31 Fl. North Tower
1 Guang Hua Road
Beijing, China 100020
T: 86-10-8529-6655 ext. 501
F: 86-10-8529-6700

Shi Huiling
Commercial Assistant - Standards
US Embassy Beijing
Beijing Kerry Center, 31 Fl. North Tower
1 Guang Hua Road
Beijing, China 100020
T: 86-10-8529-6655 ext. 506
F: 86-10-8529-6700

Events & Projects

Laws, Regulations, Rules & Announcements

» U.S.-China Standards and IP Symposium, Sept. 18-19, 2006

»  国家对部分机动车零部件产品实施强制认证
The Chinese Certification and Accreditation Administration will require certification of certain automobile parts and components, effective December 1, 2006

» 《食品质量认证规则-酒类》正式发布
Food quality certification regulations as pertains to - alcohol published, including information on the GMP, GHP, and HACCP China Food Quality Certification Marks

Links to Chinese Standards-related Web sites

» Chinese General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)
» AQSIQ Standardization Administration of China (SAC)
» AQSIQ Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA)
» AQSIQ China Quality Certification Center (CQC)
» Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)
» Chinese Customs Administration
» U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
» American National Standards Institute (ANSI)