BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 06:43 AM

Customized Market Research (CMR)

Assess the China market with our Customized Market Research (CMR). Offered in the key city hubs of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang and Chengdu, the CMR program provides the timely market intelligence you need to explore China’s different regional markets.

Different from our Free Market Research, CMR provides you with customized, individualized information on the China market. CMR may answer questions such as the overall marketability of a product or service, market trends and size, standard distribution and promotion practices, market entry requirements, regulations, product standards and registration, key competitors, and potential agents, distributors, or strategic partners. You have the flexibility to design your own research with customized questions or to choose from a Core Menu of standardized questions.

Delivery Time: Delivery time varies according to the scope of work.

Cost: Price varies based on the scope of work and complexity of your product or service.

Customized Market Research Core Menu:

Competition - Identification of competitive (both local and other foreign) technologies, products or services, and suppliers/producers of your product or service in the market.

Contact List - Product-specific list of potential agents/distributors. Includes verified basic contact information including company names, address, telephone and fax numbers and email as available.

Market Entry Issues - Information on duties, taxes, quotas, non-tariff barriers and local trade regulations which may affect the marketing of your product or service.

Market Size - Information on market size/demand for your product or service including import/export statistics, local production, and imports from the U.S.

Market Trends - Evaluation of market potential for your product or service based on general market trends, industry sources, and import statistics. The report includes expected significant developments likely to have an impact on market prospects, such as major new investments or projects, government programs, policy changes, new legislation, etc.

Regulatory Issues - Information on the general regulatory environment and legislation governing the marketing of products or services in your industry.

Standards / Product registrations - Information on standards and required registration procedures as they pertain to your product or service.

Product Viability - Research on the extent of interest in your product or service in China. We can contact potential agents/distributors/partners and discuss with them your product or service.This type of research is beneficial to those interested in the Gold Key Service or International Partner Search, but unsure of the market for their product. It will not include contact names and numbers. Should you want the full data, you can order an IPS or GKS.

To order a CMR report, please contact your nearest U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Center, call 1-800-USA-TRADE, or email us at to find out whether a survey of your product's marketability can be conducted in China. 51% of your product and/or service must be U.S. content to be eligible.