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Contact Information

Thank you for visiting EPA's Climate Ready Estuaries website, which is maintained by EPA's Climate Change Division and Oceans and Coastal Protection Division.

The answers to many of your questions about climate change and estuaries may be contained within the following sections of the site:

You may also find useful information on our Basic Information page. EPA’s Climate Change site also has a Frequent Questions page where you will find answers to many common questions about climate change.

General Information

If the information you are seeking about climate change and estuaries is not found on our Web site or if you have feedback about the site, fill out the form below and EPA staff will attempt to assist you and address your comments. Please allow up to two weeks for a response. If your browser does not support forms, please email us at climatereadyestuaries@epa.gov.




Climate Ready Estuaries Program Directors

If you are a coastal manager with specific questions on the program, please contact:

John Wilson (wilson.john@epa.gov), Oceans and Coastal Protection Division, at (202) 566-1158 or
Jeremy Martinich (martinich.jeremy@epa.gov), Climate Change Division, at (202) 343-9871.

For media or press inquiries, please visit EPA's Media Contacts site for more information.

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