OCFO stewards a number of programs and initiatives as part of its core mission of providing
responsible and accountable financial management for DOL. These programs foster transparent
decision-making and promote value-added financial management. Each program supports and
enhances the President's Management Agenda (PMA). Highlighted below are some of OCFO's major initiatives.
New Core Financial Management System:
A 21st Century Tool for a 21st Century Workforce
The Department of Labor is implementing a new, state-of-the-art financial management system.
In today's business environment, financial management practices leverage technology to support
financial analysis and real-time decision-making, moving away from traditionally heavy transaction
processing. The new system will supplant the Department's aging accounting system with commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) software serving as the backbone for a value-added financial analysis system. Decision-makers will have verifiable, relevant, and real-time data that will transform how the Department
does business.
No longer will managers have to wait for data collection to run reports. As data is entered into the system
for one agency, it will be available to every authorized user. Reports will be run with real-time
data, available "anyplace or anytime" the user needs the information. By providing a single-point of
data entry, the new system not only will speed up the reporting process, but also will reduce costly cross-agency data entry redundancy and errors.
When complete, the new system will significantly enhance DOL's ability to deliver core services and results
through improvements in—
- Business intelligence. Providing financial managers with timely, relevant, and insightful
information to enable proactive business actions.
- Financial integrity. Acting as a single, trusted source of reliable financial information
through integrated systems and common and efficient processes.
- Strategic decision-making. Providing the necessary information to make informed, innovative, and strategic decisions.
- Integrated performance management. Linking finance and performance throughout the
planning, analysis, reporting, and management processes.
- Workforce enrichment. Transforming financial management through value-added leadership and decision-making action.
The new financial management information system will bring even greater efficiency, transparency, and accountability to financial management at DOL.
Cost Analysis Manager (CAM): Financial Management and Accountability at its Best
Technically correct and accurate data is important, but useless without interpretation or proper
context. DOL Cost Analysis Manager (CAM) puts data in perspective, integrating program cost and
performance information to give managers a complete picture.
CAM is a Department-wide managerial cost accounting tool utilized by managers to establish and
demonstrate the accountability of federal funds, improve the management and performance of programs,
and reduce costs. CAM enables DOL to achieve the financial management objectives of the PMA, comply with prevailing federal cost accounting standards, and deliver programs
to the public based on sound business principles.
CAM provides assistance with:
- Budget formulation and justification via cost analysis
- Determining "best practices" across similar programs and regions
- Analyzing and establishing performance goals and trends
- Meeting external reporting requirements and complying with legislation
E-Gov Travel:
Bringing Efficient E-Tools to All of DOL
E-Gov Travel is an integrated, user-friendly travel service system accessible
from the World Wide Web. Conveniently available on the desktops of all Department of
Labor (DOL) employees, E-Gov Travel provides support to government travelers and managers
at every step, from planning to reservations to reimbursement.
E-Gov Travel responds to the PMA's mandated mission of improving internal efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government. E-Gov Travel reengineers the
federal government's travel process by making it more efficient and effective, providing
significant cost savings in the process.
E-Gov Travel provides significant travel-related benefits including:
- Simplified process of securing travel arrangements and reimbursement through an integrated system
- Automated interface with financial management systems
- Built-in adherence to travel policy
- Web-based reporting capability
- 24/7 availability through an Internet browser
Improper Payments Information Act:
Ensuring Each Taxpayer Dollar is Well Spent
Eliminating erroneous and improper payments is one of the most important initiatives facing DOL
and OCFO. As part of the Department's implementation of the Improper Payments Information Act
(IPIA) of 2002, OCFO monitors and assesses current programs throughout DOL to ensure that taxpayer
money is being spent wisely and efficiently.
The IPIA requires that DOL identify programs and activities with high risk of overpayment, submit
annual estimates of overpayments during the budget process, and report to Congress on all programs
and activities with improper payments of $10 million or more. OCFO's programs have transformed
DOL into a government leader in reducing erroneous and improper payments. However, OCFO will
not be satisfied until improper payments are eliminated.