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President's Environmental Youth Award

The deadline for submitting applications has been extended to Wednesday December 31, 2008.
President's Environmental Youth Award

The President's Environmental Youth Award national program recognizes the environmental efforts and accomplishments of students in grades K-12.

Each student who participates in the program receives a certificate of accomplishment signed by the President of the United States. Each EPA region then chooses one regional winner and those students are recognized in a national ceremony in Washington, D.C.

Projects completed in the past have included implementation of recycling programs in schools and communities, construction of nature preserves, tree-planting initiatives, and completion of environmental science projects, among many others!

2007 - Kate S - International Fair

Kate Schneider, first place winner

2007 first-place PEYA winner Kate S., with Deputy Regional Administrator Bharat Mathur

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2006 - Tayler M - Collecting for a cause

2005 - Kacy H - Rain Garden at Chippewa Nature Center

EPA selects Michigan youth for Presidential Environmental Youth Award (April 2006)

2004 - Karoline, Angela and Amanda - Save Our Stream

EPA selects Ohio youth for Presidential Environmental Youth Award (April 2005)

2003 - Benjamin B - Jackson Park Adopt-a-Park Project

EPA selects Minnesota youth for Presidential Environmental Youth Award (PDF) (207pp, 492K About PDF) (April 2004)

2002 - Nicholas E - A Home for Wildlife

EPA selects Michigan youth for Presidential Environmental Youth Award (PDF) (181pp, 448K About PDF) (October 2003)

2001 - Patty and Betsy W - Churchill Park

EPA names regional President's Environmental Youth Award winners (PDF) (160pp, 413K About PDF) (April 2002)

2000 - Lauren G and Andrew K - Recycled Paper Procurement Initiative

EPA names regional President's Environmental Youth Award winners (PDF) (202pp, 617K About PDF) (September 2001)

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