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Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) programs are aimed towards identifying and, where it exists, properly addressing under-representation in employment through Affirmative Action. However, to accurately assess the impacts of the program, a clearer picture is provided by dealing with the public and private employment for which the agency is responsible. The public employment includes the internal Federal Highway Administration workforce, both full-time equivalent and contract employees, and the workforces of each State Department of Transportation, other direct recipients, and their sub-recipients, including Metropolitan Planning Organizations, cities, counties, and local governing bodies and commissions which receive Federal-aid highway funds.

On the "private" side, the contract compliance program is aimed at determining whether contractors are providing equal employment opportunities, and where non-compliance is found, obtaining EEO in all terms and conditions of employment of Federal and Federally assisted contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, vendors, and consultants.


On-the-Job Training Program

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