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High-Level Requirements for the US-75 Integrated Corridor in Dallas, Texas

April 30, 2008
Award# DTFH-61-06-H-00040

5. User Requirements

Use cases are a technique for capturing the functional requirements of a system. Use cases work by describing the typical interactions between the users of a system and the system itself, by providing a narrative of how a system is used.

Utilizing the scenarios developed during the concept of operations phase of the ICM project, use cases were developed to tie the scenarios together by a common user goal. The goal of the typical user (traveler) is to make a trip from one location to another. This trip requires the user to plan, understand the current conditions of the transportation network, and make changes during the trip if the conditions of the network change. In use case terminology, the users are referred to as actors. An actor is a role that a user plays with respect to the system. Actors might include travelers, agency operators, or the ICM steering committee. Actors carry out use cases. A single actor may perform many use cases; conversely a use case may have several actors performing it.

There are three key things we need to know to describe a use case:

There's a little more to it than that, for example if we were developing a use case for an Automated Teller Machine:

When we are analyzing functional requirements for a system, the key questions we need to ask are; who will be using the system, and what will they be using it to do?

In order to get a more complete understanding of the user needs within the corridor, and identification of functions required, the input from the corridor stakeholders was utilized to develop a preliminary list of needs and functions.

Thus, use cases capture who (actor) does what (interaction) with the system, for what purpose (goal), without dealing with system internals. A complete set of use cases specifies all the different ways to use the system, and therefore defines all behavior required of the system, bounding the scope of the system.

5.1. Actors

In order to understand the process of each use case, the actors (or users of the system) were identified. The following actors would be the main stakeholders and users of the ICM System, in some instances the actors are subsystems of the ICM and would interact with other parts of the ICM.

5.1.1. Traveler

Travelers utilize the transportation network to make trips. They need up to date information on the routes, modes and conditions of the various networks available to make the trip.

5.1.2. ICM Agency

ICM Agencies operate and control the transportation network and supporting facilities within the corridor. This includes enforcement agencies (police, fire, EMS), maintenance, and operators of the corridor networks. Their role is to operate the network in a coordinated fashion to improve the mobility and efficiency of the entire network within the corridor.

5.1.3. Evaluation Model Subsystem

In order to measure the effectiveness of the pre-approved responses, and develop new responses, an Evaluation Model subsystem will utilize the data from ICM Agencies via the Regional Data Warehouse in order to model the corridor and the potential operational responses to improve the efficiency of the overall corridor network.

5.1.4. Decision Support Subsystem

The Decision Support Subsystem (DSS) is an external system to the corridor that is utilized to assist in the response to various incidents within the corridor. The DSS will be utilized as a search tool to assist with the distribution of pre-approved responses to ICM Agencies, and Third Party. The DSS System also includes a real-time Corridor Model which will be used to model the network in real-time, and predict required responses for operating the network.

5.1.5. Third Party Infrastructure

For certain network conditions, a third party is required to provide additional infrastructure (parking, van pools, etc.) for the corridor in order to respond to certain incidents and special events.

5.1.6. Regional Data Warehouse

During the daily operations of each network a tremendous amount of data is collected for various uses. NCTCOG has developed a regional Data Warehouse that will be utilized by the ICM agencies. The data in the regional Data Warehouse will be used by the Evaluation Model subsystem in order to model the corridor and the potential operational responses to improve the efficiency of the overall corridor network, and used for the baseline model for the DSS.

5.2. Existing Use Case: Plan Trip (External to ICMS)

5.2.1. Brief Description

Prior to making a trip within the region, a traveler will utilize multiple media, personal experience, and current conditions information to plan their route and mode for the trip to and from a location.

5.3. Existing Use Case: Change Trip – En route (External to ICMS)

5.3.1. Brief Description

As travelers make trips, information on the condition of their current route and mode will be available and updated in near real-time; this will potentially have the impact of changing the route or mode of the trip, depending on the traveler's requirements.

5.4. New Use Case: Determine Response

5.4.1. Brief Description

As the ICM Agency monitors their infrastructure and the conditions of their network, incidents will occur. When an incident occurs, the agency system will send data on the incident to the ICM Decision Support Subsystem. Once the DSS receives the data, it will compare the data to its pre-approved response plans, and select the closest matching plan. Once the DSS has selected the response plan, it will notify all ICM Agencies and any 3rd parties of the incident, and recommended response.

5.4.2. Actors

5.4.3. Work Scenario

5.4.4. Tool(s)

5.4.5. Special Requirements

5.4.6. Non-functional Requirements

5.4.7. Interfaces

5.4.8. Post Condition

5.4.9. Priority

5.5. New Use Case: Update Pre-planned Responses

5.5.1. Brief Description

After incidents have occurred, the ICM committee will meet on a routine basis to review how the response plans worked during various incidents. Based upon the Evaluation Model subsystem, and lessons learned from the incident responses, updates to the pre-approved plans may be required.

5.5.2. Actors

5.5.3. Work Scenario

5.5.4. Tool(s)

5.5.5. Special Requirements

5.5.6. Non-functional Requirements Interfaces

5.5.7. Post Condition

5.5.8. Priority

5.6. Enhance Use Case: Monitor Network Conditions

5.6.1. Brief Description

Agencies, as part of their normal operations, monitor the conditions of their infrastructure and network. As conditions change, the change in conditions may be due to incidents, congestion, or malfunction of devices.

5.6.2. Actors

5.6.3. Work Scenario

5.6.4. Tool(s)

5.6.5. Special Requirements

5.6.6. Non-functional Requirements

5.6.7. Interfaces

5.6.8. Post Condition

5.6.9. Priority

5.7. Enhance Use Case: Update Network Conditions

5.7.1. Brief Description

As ICM Agencies operate their infrastructure and network, the ICM System will receive data on the current conditions of each agency's network. During an incident, the ICM system will receive updated conditions and provide this information to the other agencies, travelers, and other systems. This updated condition information could include information on an incident, or information on return to normal conditions, for example.

5.7.2. Actors

5.7.3. Work Scenario

5.7.4. Tool(s)

5.7.5. Special Requirements

5.7.6. Non-functional Requirements

5.7.7. Interfaces

5.7.8. Post Condition

5.7.9. Priority

5.8. New Use Case: Implement Pre-approved response plan

5.8.1. Brief Description

When and incident occurs within the ICM corridor (or impacts the corridor) the DSS system will recommend a pre-approved response plan. This response plan recommendation, along with current incident information, will be provided to the ICM agencies, and 3rd parties. As part of the response plan, the ICM agencies and in some cases the 3rd parties, will implement the response.

5.8.2. Actors

5.8.3. Work Scenario

5.8.4. Tool(s)

5.8.5. Special Requirements

5.8.6. Non-functional Requirements

5.8.7. Interfaces

5.8.8. Post Condition

5.8.9. Priority

5.9. Enhance Use Case: Collect Historical Information

5.9.1. Brief Description

In order to measure the effectiveness and for planning purposes, the ICM system must collect and store the data and information on the infrastructure and network collected during the operation of the system. This historical information can be used for a variety of planning and operational purposes.

5.9.2. Actors

5.9.3. Work Scenario

5.9.4. Tool(s)

5.9.5. Special Requirements

5.9.6. Non-functional Requirements

5.9.7. Interfaces

5.9.8. Post Condition

5.9.9. Priority

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