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High-Level Requirements for the US-75 Integrated Corridor in Dallas, Texas

April 30, 2008
Award# DTFH-61-06-H-00040

4. User Needs

User needs identify the high-level ICM system needs; these user needs are developed to focus on the operational aspects of the ICM, and defining the functional requirements of the proposed ICM system. These needs are based upon the system goals and objectives, and the future operational conditions and scenarios defined in the Concept of Operations.

These needs were established through a dedicated Corridor Stakeholder interviewing process, as well as by general input throughout the process of developing this Concept of Operations. Utilizing the Operational Scenarios from the section above, User Needs were developed. The following needs represent the identified needs of the ICM system.

Table 4-1 User Needs for the US-75 Integrated Corridor Management System
Need # Need Title and Description

Need for improved communication among agencies – to ensure that actions taken by one corridor agency do not have unintended consequences on the corridor, or other agencies within the corridor, the agencies need to communicate interactively with each other in order to plan and execute actions that are not normal operation procedures. The communication does not have to be continuous, but does need to occur in a timely manner when actions are about to begin.


Need to monitor the status of the physical transportation infrastructure – The agency operators need to monitor the status of all devices within the corridor on a real-time or near real-time basis. Knowing which devices are operational will enable them to determine which devices can be used to affect change within the corridor.


Need to process information on status of the infrastructure in near-real time – The ICM system needs to be able to process all of the relevant data and information it receives from the various agencies within the corridor, in order to provide information to operators and travelers which can be used to make informed decisions on actions to be made.


Need to update conditions of the infrastructure to the public and other agencies in near-real time – in order to optimize the corridor operations, the travelers and the agencies need to have up to date information on the current conditions and status of the corridor infrastructure.


Need for interactive trip planning – to ensure that travelers within the corridor can make informed decisions, the corridor agencies need to provide a way to allow travelers to develop plans for a trip. This could include various media, and multi-modes of travel.


Need for near-real time information for travelers – in order to optimize the trips that a traveler makes, they need to have current information provided to them during trips in order to make informed decisions on the their current route and mode.


Need to have physical infrastructure coverage – The components for the physical infrastructure (DMS, CCTV, communications network, etc.) within the corridor need to be reliable, available, maintained, extensible, and interoperable. The operators of the corridor need to know the location of all devices and other facilities within the corridor's network, and their purpose and capabilities. If a device is not operating correctly, the operator needs to know whom to contact to fix the device.


Need to collect and store data/ information – The data/ information collected during daily operations of the corridor needs to be stored for analyzing the effectiveness of the corridor strategies and responses, and for modeling.


Need to provide pre-agreed incident response plans – The agencies in the corridor need to have some pre-arranged response plans for incidents within the corridors, these will provide the contacts, roles and responsibilities, and responses for each network within the corridor.


Need to coordinate incident responses among agencies – The agencies within the corridor need to coordinate responses to incidents such that two agencies are not responding to the same incident, and not inadvertently impacted one another.


Need to provide multi-modal alternatives for travelers – In order to reduce congestion, and improve efficiency of the entire corridor, multiple modes and routes need to be available to the traveler. These modes choices need to include alternatives for various levels of income and mobility for the traveler.


Need to measure effectiveness of responses – During the response to an event in the corridor, the operators need to be able to determine if the pre-planned response is effective and if the response if having the intended effect. This includes verifying what conditions exist after implementation of a response. If the operators of the systems determine that their response is not effective, they should be able to change components of their response plans and communicate these changes to the other agencies within the corridor, such that they are not inadvertently impacting the other agencies.


Need to modify responses during event as conditions change – As an event progresses, the conditions (such as lanes closed, severity, etc.) will change. The operators should be able to modify the current conditions, and communicate with the others within the corridor of the change. The system needs to also request changes to the current responses as the conditions warrant.


Need to request use of infrastructure from third party – During some major incidents and special events, the current and planned capacity of the infrastructure owned and operated by the agencies may not be sufficient. This requires an interface to multiple third parties (large companies, private parking, van services, etc.) to request service from them or use of their infrastructure during special circumstances.

4.1. Breakdown of User Needs

Once the User Needs were defined and agreed upon by the Steering Committee, a further breakdown of the needs into Functions was developed. The following table is the initial breakdown developed by the committee, and was expanded during the development of the requirements for each system.

Table 4.1-1 Breakdown of User Needs
empty cell empty cell ICM System Point of View
1 User Need Need for improved communication among agencies
empty cell Function Increase information received from agencies.
empty cell Function Increase information sent to agencies.
empty cell Function Consolidate information from all agencies
empty cell Function Present information to all agencies
empty cell Function Receive information from all agencies
2 User Need Need to monitor the status of the physical transportation infrastructure
empty cell Function Provide information on status of physical infrastructure
empty cell Function Provide information on state of physical infrastructure
empty cell Function Provide status of agency infrastructure to the public
empty cell Function Provide status of agency infrastructure to all agencies
empty cell Function Provide comparative status of infrastructure across travel modes
3 User Need Need to process information on status of the infrastructure in near-real time
empty cell Function Update status of agency infrastructure to all agencies
empty cell Function Update status of agency infrastructure to the public
4 User Need Need to update conditions of the infrastructure to the public and other agencies in near-real time
empty cell Function Update status of agency infrastructure to all agencies
empty cell Function Update status of agency infrastructure to the public
empty cell Function Update response plan information to all agencies
empty cell Function Update response plan information to the public
5 User Need Need for interactive trip planning
empty cell Function Increase information about modes of travel.
empty cell Function Consolidate information about modes of travel.
empty cell Function Present information about modes of travel to travelers.
6 User Need Need for near-real time information for travelers
empty cell Function Update information about modes of travel to public
empty cell Function Update infrastructure status to public
empty cell Function Distribute information to public through a variety of media
7 User Need Need to have physical infrastructure coverage
empty cell Function Send infrastructure data from all agencies
empty cell Function Collect information from all agencies
8 User Need Need to collect and store data/ information
empty cell Function Receive infrastructure data from all agencies
empty cell Function Receive response plan information from all agencies
empty cell Function Collect response plan requests recommended
empty cell Function Collect information from all agencies
empty cell Function Store information from all agencies
9 User Need Need to provide pre-agreed response plans
empty cell Function Provide response plan request to all agencies
empty cell Function Receive response plan from DSS
empty cell Function Receive response plan request from all agencies
10 User Need Need to coordinate responses among agencies
empty cell Function Provide response plan requests to all agencies
empty cell Function Receive response plan requests to all agencies
11 User Need Need to provide multi-modal alternatives for travelers
empty cell Function Consolidate information about modes of travel.
empty cell Function Present information about modes of travel to travelers.
12 User Need Need to measure effectiveness of responses
empty cell Function Receive information from all agencies
empty cell Function Receive MOE calculations from Model
empty cell Function Provide information to Model
13 User Need Need to modify responses during event as conditions change
empty cell Function Provide change to response plan requests to all agencies
empty cell Function Receive change response plan requests from all agencies
14 User Need Need to request use of infrastructure from third party
empty cell Function Present request to third party
empty cell Function Receive status information from third party

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