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Policy, Specifications and Drawings

In order to see how the following States are implementing rumble strips on their roadways, we have provided policy, specifications and some engineering drawings in Adobe PDF format for your perusal.

Please note: Some of the engineering drawings provided are in their native CAD format. You will need to have the specific CAD software installed on your computer in order to view them.

Download the free adobe acrobat reader to view PDFs You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDFs on this page.

Where separate files exist for the policy, specifications, and drawings, separate links are provided. Some States have all documents in one PDF file.

General Rumble Strips
Milled Rumble Strips
Rolled Rumble Strips
Formed RumbleStrips
Raised Rumble Strips

General Rumble Strips
Alaska Rumble Strip Policy

Milled Rumble Strips
Florida Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 209KB]
Kentucky Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 252KB]
Michigan Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 112KB]
Minnesota Rumble Strips on Shoulders of Rural Trunk Highways (MnDOT website)
Montana Policy, Drawings [PDF, 105KB]
New York Policy [PDF, 33KB]
Specifications [PDF, 10KB]
Drawings(CAD) [DRW, 19KB]
Pennsylvania Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 310KB]
Wyoming Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 176KB]

Rolled Rumble Strips
Alabama Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 81KB]
Arizona Drawing 22a [PDF, 83 KB]
Drawing 22b [PDF, 67 KB]
California Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 72KB]
Colorado Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 108KB]
Kentucky Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 252KB]
South Dakota Policy, Drawings [PDF, 189KB]

Formed Rumble Strips
Arizona Drawing 22a [PDF, 83 KB]
Drawing 22b [PDF, 67 KB]
Montana Policy, Drawings [PDF, 105KB]
New York Policy [PDF, 33KB]
Specifications [PDF, 13KB]
(CAD) Drawings [DRW, 8KB]
South Dakota (CAD) Drawings [PDF, 189KB]

Raised Rumble Strips
Florida Policy, Specifications, Drawings [PDF, 394KB]


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