Reports to Congress

2009 Congressional Budget Justification

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Board of directors and senior management


Members of the Board


Edward "Ward" Brehm, Chairman

Edward "Ward" Brehm, Chairman

Edward "Ward" Brehm is founder, CEO, and chairman of two insurance consulting companies based in Minneapolis, MN, the Brehm Group and Capstone Advisors. He has also been actively engaged in African development issues – as a private citizen, church member, and member of two U.S. Congress delegations - for more than a decade. Mr. Brehm’s interest in Africa began in 1992, when he participated in a World Vision International tour of famine-affected areas of east Africa. His experience led him to establish the Windpump Project – a charity that assists rural communities in acquiring sustainable clean water technology – and he became actively engaged in building strong working relationships between business and community leaders in America and Africa. Mr. Brehm currently serves on the board of the Sustainable Healthcare Enterprise Foundation, and he is the author of two books on Africa, Life through a Different Lens (1993) and White Man Walking (2003).  (For a complete biography click here)
View Mr. Brehm’s comments on USADF's Mission - (click here)


Jack Leslie, Board Member

Jack Leslie

Jack Leslie is the chairman of Weber Shandwick, one of the world's leading public relations agencies. Mr. Leslie is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, former Chairman of the Board of USA for UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) and a participant in UNHCR Missions to Afghanistan (1998), Kosovo (1999) and Tanzania (2001). He is a trustee of the Circumnavigators Foundation and is a director of various corporate boards.

Dr. Ephraim Batambuze, Board Member

Dr. Ephraim Batambuze

Dr. Ephraim Batambuze is a practicing cardiologist with Prairie Cardiovascular Consultants, the largest heart care program in Illinois. Born in Uganda, Dr. Batambuze studied medicine at Makerere University and came to the United States in the early 1970s to complete a residency in internal medicine in Chicago. Rising political violence in Uganda under the Amin regime prevented him from returning home, and he was granted political asylum. Now a United States citizen, Dr. Batambuze is ADF's first Africa-born Board Member. He is a fellow of both the American College of Cardiology and the American College of Physicians.

Ambassador Jendayi Frazer, Board Member

Ambassador Jendayi Frazier, ADF Board Member
Ambassador Jendayi Frazer

Jendayi E. Frazer recently returned to Washington, D.C. after serving as the United States Ambassador to South Africa in Johannesburg from August 2004 to August 2005.  She was sworn in and began her tenure as the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs on August 29, 2005.   Ambassador Frazer has a long history of professional involvement in Africa, having served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council from February 22, 2001, a Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow, and as Director for African Affairs at the National Security Council.  She is a graduate of Stanford University, where she earned a B.A. in Political Science and African and African-American Studies, M.A. degrees in International Policy Studies and International Development Education, and a Ph.D. in Political Science.


Executive Management


Lloyd O. Pierson, President

Lloyd O. Pierson

Lloyd O. Pierson has been a Presidential Appointee named by three Presidents; in his previous position, he was nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate as the Assistant Administrator for Africa at USAID. Prior to that, he was Chief of Staff/Chief of Operations for the Peace Corps and during a transition period served as the Acting Director of the Peace Corps. He has been Peace Corps Country Director in Ghana, Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland, and was co-negotiator for the Peace Corps agreement allowing volunteers to enter Zimbabwe. Mr. Pierson has been Director of the Africa Bureau at the International Republican Institute and has worked as the International Policy Advisor for the Save Darfur Coalition, a large NGO working to end the violence in Darfur, Sudan. He has testified before Congress on multiple occasions, including hearings on Angola, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Sudan, Liberia, and Africa regional organizations.

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