AADAP Drug Approval Status Graphs...

We are aware that many of you are not intimately familiar with the U.S. drug approval process, and hence, find it difficult to interpret the wealth of information (found in a variety of forms) currently available on the subject. In an effort to assist you in better understanding this complex subject, AADAP has taken the liberty to attempt to condense one of the key information sets.

AADAP has condensed the "Drug Approval Matrices" generated by the National Coordinator of Aquaculture New Animal Drug Applications (Ms. Roz Schnick) into a series of simplified graphs. Ms. Schnick's matrices remain available via her webpage, as well as AADAP's webpage, and are updated frequently.

AADAP's interpretation and condensation of the "Drug Approval Matrices" are precisely that "...AADAP's interpretation and condensation..." AADAP will be the first to admit that our graphs may be an oversimplification of the tabular representation (i.e., the matrices) of an extremely complex process. Hence, AADAP's graphs should not be considered to be the definitive source of that information.

As in the case of the "Drug Approval Matrices," AADAP's graphs will be updated as new information becomes available.

View AADAP's graphs (Adobe pdf file)

Once you are at the Adobe pdf file, to advance directly to a graph for a specific drug select the "Bookmarks" tab on left hand margin of your Adobe Reader. To view the entire "presentation," use the "page down" key to advance page by page (be sure to close the "bookmarks" function before using the "page down" key to advance).

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